back to article China outlines plan for National Integrated Government Affairs Big Data System

China's State Council has outlined a plan to create a National Integrated Government Affairs Big Data System that, by the year 2025, is expected to make millions of government data sets available from one place. The outline explains that governments at all levels across China have already contributed to a data catalog that …

  1. johnB

    What could possibly go wrong?

    Enormous government project / combine different databases devised for different purposes / very ambitious time scale / unclear objectives.

    The Chinese are learning from the West - on how not to do things!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      @johnB - Re: What could possibly go wrong?

      Is this a prediction or a wish ?

  2. Anonymous Coward


    In the west, the downfall of many of these projects has been the lack of compliance. Sometimes it stems from incompatible data structures. Sometimes it stems from incompatible data storage, from paper to goddess bedamned Excel spreadsheets. Most often it stems from turf wars.

    While I think the project will never succeed in implementing it in 2025, the Chinese do have one advantage over the west.

    In the event of turf wars, some may find that their turf is now a labor camp.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    This isn't anything that the West hasn't - or would really ... like to do ..

    If I recall from during CoVid - Matt Hancock approved NHS data on UK citizens to be handled by the security services/GCHQ - nothng to see here sir - carry on!

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