back to article Google's Alphabet to review every project after $6bn decline in profits

Google parent Alphabet is preparing to slog it out with rivals in a slowing economy by committing to evaluate every project being undertaken. The warning from Alphabet and Google boss Sundar Pichai came in a conference call to discuss financials for calendar Q3, which at $69.1 billion in revenue and $13.9 billion in profit …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    If that's an economic slow-down

    Can i have one please?

    1. ivan itchybutt

      Re: If that's an economic slow-down

      I guess that explains the $5 (26%) increase in my youtube subscription

      1. DS999 Silver badge

        Re: If that's an economic slow-down

        Who the hell pays for Youtube?

        1. Sceptic Tank Silver badge

          Re: If that's an economic slow-down

          I actually did not know that subscibing was an option.

        2. Dan 55 Silver badge

          Re: If that's an economic slow-down

          Mainly used for music, now that YouTube Originals is dead.

          The headline features are you can listen to music in the background, it's ad-free, and you can download music for offline listening. So remarkably like NewPipe apart from the price.

        3. Hans Neeson-Bumpsadese Silver badge

          Re: If that's an economic slow-down

          I do, and don't regret it at all. It's worth it for the removal of adverts (I don't watch TV, so YT is my main source of viewing, and adverts were just getting too prolific and annoying). YouTube Music is a definite bonus on top of that.

          1. Mockup1974

            Re: If that's an economic slow-down

            Have you heard of adblockers? No need to give money to EvilCorp

            1. Hans Neeson-Bumpsadese Silver badge

              Re: If that's an economic slow-down

              Do adblockers handle the pre-video and mid-video video adverts that seem to cropping up on YouTube? I assumed that because of the way that they are part of the video stream that an adblocker wouldn't be able to deal with these, or I'd just end up with an advert-length silent bit in my video-watching experience?

              1. Hull

                Re: If that's an economic slow-down

                The AdblockPlus-Plugin for Firefox under Linux does. I can't comment on other platforms.

              2. Belperite

                Re: If that's an economic slow-down

                Yep, ublock for Firefox does.

              3. Piro

                Re: If that's an economic slow-down

                You assumed you wrong. You can block them. uBlock Origin is the gold standard. The ads simply never appear, no interruption to the video.

                If you want to go even further, and remove adverts and promotions that are actually part of the video that was uploaded, you need the SponsorBlock addon. It uses crowd sourced timestamps of promotions, sponsors, intros and outros, and you can skip them.

                If you want to view videos on mobile ad-free, with the option to download the videos, listen only to audio, and in the background or with the screen off, NewPipe is the answer.

                1. Missing Semicolon Silver badge

                  Re: If that's an economic slow-down

                  Sponsorblock. Except on Aging Wheels. His sponsored bits are usually hilarious.

                  1. Piro

                    Re: If that's an economic slow-down

                    When you're right, you're right. I've found myself having to un-skip them.

              4. DS999 Silver badge

                Re: If that's an economic slow-down

                As others have said, yes they do. Hard to believe there are people left who don't know what adblockers are or wouldn't even investigate the alternatives before paying $240/yr just to avoid ads on Youtube.

                How many hours a day of Youtube must someone watch to feel it is worth paying that much simply to skip ads?

                If I was forced to watch ads on Youtube on my PC and iPhone (both of which I never see ads on) I would watch less Youtube, though my total viewing is probably 5 minutes a day so I wouldn't be giving up much. I have a policy that if someone posts a "news" link that is a link to Youtube (probably some talking head that doesn't even need to be a video instead of text) I assume they are a conspiracy theorist and ignore it. Maybe I'm wrong 1% of the time, but everyone reading this knows I'm right the other 99% of the time.

  2. cheb

    I knew my using an alternative search engine would hurt them eventually.

    1. Sceptic Tank Silver badge


  3. chivo243 Silver badge

    Like Brazil?

    I wonder if working at Gafebet is like working at the office in Brazil?

  4. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    Oh, shareholders are demanding results

    I am absolutely devastated for them. Those poor billionnairs who are being deprived of 0.1% of the revenue they might have expected.

    Please tell me where to send my wreath.

    1. Neil Barnes Silver badge

      Re: Oh, shareholders are demanding results

      Doesn't it make your little heart bleed?

      Here - the world's smallest open source violin.

    2. Diogenes

      Re: Oh, shareholders are demanding results

      If you have money in some form of retirement investment fund, you are indirectly likely to be one of those "billionaires".

      1. GruntyMcPugh

        Re: Oh, shareholders are demanding results

        Well, yeah, but I'm only interested in my pension making some money, not all the money.

        It's about time the market realised ever increasing growth is not sustainable, and stopped basing confidence on something they can never have.

        1. heyrick Silver badge

          Re: Oh, shareholders are demanding results

          The whole economic system is like advertising, and tends to go hand in hand with it, built upon a fantasy that everybody must sustain lest the entire shebang explode into a haze of melty currency symbols.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Oh, shareholders are demanding results

            I'm wondering if we are starting to see the beginnings of the whole (Ponzi?) scheme start to unravel already?

            State pension age gradually increasing, as people now generally live longer after 65 than they used to.

            People having to start to stump up for old age care, as the state won't(?) / can't(?) fund it any more (partly related to people living longer and then sometimes living for a long time with (horrible) degenerative health conditions, rather than just keeling over rather more quickly, as in the past).

            I'm starting to fear that those now at or close to pension age, with their equity-rich paid-off homes, may just scrape through, but those of us in younger generations (indebted and/or unable to afford to buy a home) probably have a really depressing future to look forward to…?

  5. DS999 Silver badge

    Look for more additions to the Google Graveyard

    Maybe they will optimize things by announcing the end of life date for a new product in the same press release that announces its availability!

    1. ecofeco Silver badge

      Re: Look for more additions to the Google Graveyard


    2. tiggity Silver badge

      Re: Look for more additions to the Google Graveyard

      Ironically, most of the Google products I have actually liked & found useful have been scrapped... Presumably they did not bring in enough revenues.

      .. Being as a Twatter decline story prominent on El Reg currently.., One of them being Google+ (it was everything most Social Media such FB, Twatter etc isn't - it was easy to just follow people / topics you were interested in, NOT bursting with trollish troublemakers, NOT full of unwanted dross pumped at you etc. Generally pleasant & civilized discourse)

      1. Spazturtle Silver badge

        Re: Look for more additions to the Google Graveyard

        Google wanted a Facebook style social media but people started using Google+ as a microblogging site instead, and it was the best damn microblogging site on the internet. You could actually have proper forum style discussions in the comments of posts and the communities features were amazing.

  6. Il'Geller

    This is only the beginning.

  7. JWLong Silver badge

    Wall Street

    Magic numbers from wall street not made.

    So start firing people and cutting all cost, again.

    Fuck Wall Street. They do nothing for no one but themselves.

    The question is who sucks more, google or wall street. It really doesn't matter because they both SUCK!

  8. Ace2 Silver badge

    The line from Google has always been, “Come work for us, we have all these cool projects!”

    But it’s always been obvious that one or two bad quarters would end all of that and you’d be where I hope to God to never go: “Make our ad targeting more profitable!” Barf.

    1. Dan 55 Silver badge

      Working at Google was always going to end up like this.

  9. Kite005

    I liked them when they were new, small and different. Now If they and Facebook went bankrupt and disappeared, something new took their place, I'd be ecstatic! Same with Amazon.

  10. Gene Cash Silver badge

    Google Maps has dropped the compass/rotation feature

    Speaking of cutting features, I've noticed Google Maps has lost the compass that used to be able to rotate the map. This is the website I'm talking about, not the phone app.

    So how long has that been gone?

    1. edjimf

      Re: Google Maps has dropped the compass/rotation feature

      Hadn't noticed it vanish, must be recent.

      It is still there in Satellite view, just not in default Map view

  11. hashBang

    Sundar Picha is the one who screwed things up. I want to see a 20% productivity boost out of him. Or how about just cut his compensation by 20%.

  12. StrangerHereMyself Silver badge


    The headcount at Google is 170,000 at the moment. Let that sink in. 170,000!! What are all those people doing at Google (which is essentially a software company)?

    It's obvious the company has gained a lot of flab and needs to trim down to, say, less than 100K employees.

    1. Dan 55 Silver badge

      Re: Headcount

      Perhaps it's time the corporation was split up with an anti-trust measure or two.

    2. heyrick Silver badge

      Re: Headcount

      Given their lack of ability to talk to anybody, the continual bugs and weirdness in their applications, and the optimised and automated infrastructure, that many employees is simply startling. With resources like that, they ought to be the best software company on the planet, surely? So....?

  13. John70

    Killed By Google

    Guess there will be a lot more projects being added to this list:

  14. NeilPost

    Posh Offices

    One has to question the need for mega expensive Grandiose Versailles like property statements - like Google Waterloo.

    Yes a small few people need to work in London, to meet and touch other needy people in the sector…. but would think that many of the jobs based there are internet/cloud/home oriented or based.

    London jobs with onerous travel and London weighted pay that could easily be done in Middlesborough, Skelmersdale, Carlisle, Aberystwyth, or Motherwell., or perhaps on admin offices slapped on the end of Google DC’s.

    There are great Universities and College through your the UK churning out grads as opposed to feeding the Londonshire monster.

    1. SEDT

      Re: Posh Offices

      London has an airport that provides direct access for execs from the world over. The rest of the UK is thus rendered a backwater.

  15. Chris Coles

    Do No Harm??

    They once set out to "Do No Harm". Now they have turned their collective backs upon . . . now let me guess . . . "such Nonsense!!" . . . which will, eventually, lead to their self destruction.

  16. JacobZ

    Parkinson's Law predicted this

    The bigger the company, the higher the overhead of management, admin processes, unnecessary meetings, bureaucracy, power politics, etc. etc.

    Google is encountering the same diminishing returns on hiring that every other company since the modern corporation has suffered, as documented decades ago in Parkinson's Law. We greybeards could have told them that, if they hadn't replaced us all with younger digital natives.

  17. Marty McFly Silver badge
    Big Brother


    Oh yeah! I remember them. That was a search tool that helped me find what I was looking for in the late 1990's, right?

    They changed, didn't they? Became some sort of advertising company to tell me what they thought I should be looking for.

    Big Brother because...well...duh. It's Google.

  18. localzuk


    The absurdity of modern capitalism laid bare. Made $13.9bn in profit in 3 months, but that's apparently somehow bad and now they're going to take it out on their employees. What a weird world we live in.

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