Change has to start the second they're born
As many have pointed out, trying to solve the problem after the horse has bolted is the only answer ever offered to get more women into tech. You want more women in tech and science, as father to a daughter at Uni I certainly do, then how about we change society and the education system. ( I never said it would be easy answer! )
You need to get to girls younger, teach them about a more diverse world, that the world doesn't revolve around your looks, your weight, how to please a man, any of that bollocks, it revolves around how you see the world and what you wish to be as part of that world, no matter what it is. We need to stop the the mindless media from still berating women who want to take up things we simply still class as "not for girls", the only way to solve the gender inequality is to sort it out at the root.
When my daughter was born 20 years ago all we got given was silly frilly pink clothes, dollies and "My First Bikini Waxing Kit (tm)"! FFS! Society has to change and stop promoting this pathetic idea of boys need to have "My First Ethnic Cleanser" machine guns for at age 3 and girls get given stupid girly toys. My wife and I rejected all this, we refused to buy the silly girly toys until she knew she wanted one and nine times out of ten she never did, she always found more fun playing with toy cars, LEGO and more generic toys and interests, sure she had a short term love of Barbie that lastest about 2 years and she was done. She grew up with a love of learning, writing and the outdoors. She didn't go into sciences but is studying geography as all the trips we went on a family during her childhood we constantly showed the vast array of different landscapes across the UK, she took up geography as she loves understanding how the land we live in works and how we intereact with it. She still rejects "girly" things, she's proud to be a woman but also very aware that she's her own person who can have any interests she likes and it's none of anyone else's business.
We have to start promoting a more diverse world from the second children are born, not start pidgeon holing them the second we see that have a willy or not when they pop out! Start treating children just little people, show them that the world will accept them no matter how they dress, how they look or what really interests them. Give them the cofidence to go out there and not care what others say or think about them, then maybe we'll start to change things.