back to article American techies in China may be breaking the law by showing up to work

The USA's restrictions on semiconductor technology transfer to China are about to wreak havoc on the lives of Americans working in the Middle Kingdom, according to former Department of Transportation official and US political expert Steven Okun. Speaking at an American Club of Singapore event on Thursday, Okun said the …

  1. martinusher Silver badge

    Pundit's a bit behind the curve

    We've been prohibited from investing in Chinese tech companies for some time now. This latest turn of the screw, barring "US Persons" from working at companies or wherever else decreed by some Treasury official or another doesn't just affect Americans (and Permanent Residents - Green Card holders) from working at certain (any?) Chinese companies in the US but also at companies in China.

    For a country that's always going on about how its "The Land Of The Free" we certainly put up with a lot of restrictions about where we can go, who we can work for and so on. Its very un-American but you'd need deep pockets to challenge the Federal government in court. As it stands I haven't a clue whether doing a particular job or not would fall foul of this week's diktat, all I know is that there's some official in the DC bureaucracy that's being paid to make a nuisance of him or her self who's on a bit of a roll these days. Someone please, please, stand up to them!

    Incidentally, they've dropped the pretense of "national security". That particular fig leaf was getting a bit withered.

  2. Lordrobot

    Laughably Uninforceable

    Meanwhile, CHINER just keeps on Roll'in, just keeps on Roll'in along.....

  3. Henry Wertz 1 Gold badge

    Option 3

    Gotta be honest, if I were working for a Chinese tech company I'd take option 3 -- not revoke US citizenship and not quit. Working overseas, I wouldn't be telling the us gov't where i'm working anyway since it's none of there business (it's no income made in the us so it's not the IRS's business either.) What the hell are they going to do about it anyway, send in a teams to extradite people?

    1. Cheshire Cat

      Re: Option 3

      You'd think that, but in fact US citizens overseas still have to submit a US tax return with all income and source etc, even if they are resident in another country, so that Uncle Sam can tax them again and take another cut.

  4. Bitsminer Silver badge


    or they're going to have to give up their US citizenship

    Notoriously, China does not recognize dual citizenship.

    What might they then become?

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