back to article SUSE wheels out first public prototype of its server Linux distro, asks for feedback

As we reported back in July, the future direction of SUSE Linux Enterprise is starting to take shape, and it's containers all the way down. The Adaptable Linux Platform (ALP) prototype's internal version number is 0.01, so it has a long way to go yet, but it's ready for you to start experimenting. SUSE has already published …

  1. Youngone


    The company plans to release a new prototype about every three months, and to launch the product in around a year's time – fall 2023. ®

    Does that mean autumn? If so, can we use the term autumn? Thanks

    1. Sandtitz Silver badge

      Re: Pardon?

      "can we use the term autumn?"

      Is that the 'royal we'? Sure, you can use the term autumn. Your point?

      Merriam-Webster says that both fall and autumn originated in Britain.

      1. jake Silver badge

        Re: Pardon?

        "Autumn" is from the Latin, via French, and is not English at all.

        "Fall" is from the Old English "feoll", and is very English indeed, although the time of year was more often referred to as "harvest", or hærfest, back then.

        Pardon while I get back to work ... we're in the middle of crush at the moment. Cheers!

        1. Youngone

          Re: Pardon?

          Are you telling me that we British English speakers use "Fall" instead of "Autumn"? Because I have some news for you if you are.

          1. jake Silver badge

            Re: Pardon?

            Not at all! Go right ahead and speak French instead of English, if it suits you. Doesn't bother me a bit.

            Beer? Or should I say "Bière"?

        2. P. Lee

          Re: Pardon?

          "Feoll" ... from Proto-West Germanic *fallan. Cognate with Old Frisian falla, Old Saxon fallan, Old Dutch fallan, Old High German fallan, Old Norse falla. (wikipedia)


          1. jake Silver badge

            Re: Pardon?

            But feoll was a part of Old English right from the git-go. If that's not English, I don't know what is.

            Remember, Modern English is mostly an amalgam of Celtic, Latin, Greek, Ænglisc ("Old English"), Saxon, Frisian, (old)Norse, (old(high)) German, (old)Dutch, and French. Not necessarily in that order.

            Yes, there are other languages involved. I said "mostly" for a reason.

    2. jake Silver badge

      Re: Pardon?

      Feeling pretentious today, are we?

      1. James O'Shea Silver badge

        Re: Pardon?

        He's being a bloody Sassenach. He should be tied down and forced to listen to 'Danny Boy' played on bagpipes.

        1. James O'Shea Silver badge

          Re: Pardon?

          All of ye Sassenach downvoters... keep it up and I'll sentence you to "Danny Boy" _and_ "Men of Harlech" _and_ "Scotland the Brave" on bagpipes. Continuously. Until you admit that Gaels Rule, Sassenach drool.

          1. jake Silver badge

            Re: Pardon?

            Confessions obtained under torture are hardly legally admissible. Even in Scotland.

            The funny thing is you are effectively admitting that playing the Pipes is an act of torture ...

  2. drankinatty

    RIP SuSE

    As a user of SUSE since 7.0 Pro (air) installed from 1.44 floppies and through all the openSUSE trials and tribulations, this will likely be the end of the line. The firestorm that erupted on the opensuse user's list regarding the bastardized (containerized) future showed close to 100% against. I'm not sure where the rosy projections of "some" might turn against it come from -- obviously from someone not on the openSUSE list. Sad. But, Arch has always been in the hip-pocket...

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