Fool me once
Here we see Google once again taking up it's toolbelt and dreaming of a future where it controls the consumer Internet. Same promise as before, blazing speeds at rock bottom pricing. With the same strings attached?
Google suddenly got cold feet when people started to dig into their "Privacy Fee" up on capitol hill. When the FCC got involved it was clear Google would rather shut down operations if it couldn't legally spy on all of your traffic, or charge you more per month than the average cost of the service of their most popular competitor.
Then during the Idjit Pai and Trump corruption express, it was clear the administration was fine with carriers and ISPs logging and selling user traffic data(as long at they didn't touch content, and sometimes even then when the allowed Verison to literally MITM TLS/SSL connections.)
So as the FCC hasn't grown a pair, and Styrofoam Joe isn't paying it much attention, their testing the waters to be ready in the event $$$$ from the rural broadband initiative will pay for their infrastructure build out. Likely after they collect subsidies and funds, they will buy high bandwidth dark fiber into those areas, never get around to hooking more than a Potempkin village or two up. Then they will cancel the project, keep the fiber they bought on our dime, and shift it to their internal and commercial networks.
Or maybe I'm just a cynic.