The last time I put on a suit and tie was when I got married (MeDearOldMum insisted on "nice" family photos. If tied down and forced to talk, I'll admit that I'm glad she did. Made the family happy.)
The next time I put on a suit and tie will be when they put me in a box. Somebody will have to donate the suit and tie. I don't own any.
The last 9-5 I interviewed for (in 1989), I was wearing my racing leathers. When the interviewer queried my choice of "uniform", I pointed out that he had asked me to drive up from Palo Alto to South San Francisco by 10AM ... and had called at 9AM. I knew I could make it on the bike, but there was no way I was driving the Bayshore without armor ... I got the job.
The 9-5 prior to that, I wore the same outfit, for similar reasons. When queried, I responded along the lines of "are you hiring an engineer or a fashion plate?" ... They made me an offer. I counter offered, they hired me at my price point ...
Around these here parts, dangly bits on socks would be attacked & killed by the cats.