You sir or madame are correct.
This article is nothing but spin, and the spin-doctors are trying to reframe the current labor squeeze to please management.
When the pandemic hit we all, as a whole, sucked it up and rolled up out sleeves. Most of us didn't see a huge bonus for all that hard work since 2019. Most of us saw our base pay stagnate for two years, then backslide with inflation and cost of living.
Yeah, management patted themselves on the back and gave each other bonuses, the shareholders logged record profits. We got the other end of the stick.
Three years of this has left us overworked, understaffed and burned out. Instead of re-calibrating with any kind of expectations that were based on reality.
They are trotting out new buzzwords like "Quiet Quitting" and old ones "If they pretend to pay us, we pretend to work" to try to put this on us. They posted record profits, but want to squeeze the labor market(thats us ladies and gents) to keep those pockets flowing into their pockets. Inflation was under control for most of the pandemic, despite tight labor, almost full employment, and higher wages. It then shot out of control when the pissing contest with Russia started, and in the "nearly post-pandemic" the big players in the market got greedy. A 1% increase in fuel and material costs spawned a 2% rise in prices, and a 3% rise in profits. That looked great on paper, so they tried a 3% price rise. Then 5%.
Labor costs were nearly flat for that period of a couple of months. But suddenly inflation game roaring in after it's long and surprising absence. The difference? There was a flutter of greed based price gouging at the beginning of the pandemic, but the world collectively gave it the evil eye, and it stayed in check for fear of the toilet paper riots turning ugly.
This latest round of price gouging didn't have the same stakes, or the same blowback from the public. Then after inflation hit the 7-9% trajectory, the government slammed on the brakes, making it clear their plan to calm inflation was by choking the economy and crushing the labor market(again, thats us kids).
Companies either planned layoffs, or a hiring stoppage, expecting the remaining employees to either quit or do the work of everyone else till the Fed waves it magic wand and brings rates back down. That's the plan in a nutshell. Choke us out till the unemployment numbers change the balance of power in the hiring market, and whine that the employees that stayed on aren't "taking up the slack" for the people that quit because they were already burned out from working at unsustainable levels for the last couple of years.
So yeah. I do the work I'm paid to do, to the best of my ability to do so, in the time I am allotted. That's just called working. Hearing "Quiet Quitting" is a red flag you are dealing with someone who is trying to exploit and manipulate you. Smile at them, take a little time if you need to, and find work at a better company as soon as you can.