You could claim classic tar(1) has exactly the same security hole. Or GNU tar with the -P option.
Alert: 15-year-old Python tarfile flaw lurks in 'over 350,000' code projects
At least 350,000 open source projects are believed to be potentially vulnerable to exploitation via a Python module flaw that has remained unfixed for 15 years. On Tuesday, security firm Trellix said its threat researchers had encountered a vulnerability in Python's tarfile module, which provides a way to read and write …
Thursday 22nd September 2022 13:24 GMT Anonymous Coward
What....? Explain. In fact, the article doesn't explain how the exploit works at all, just that ".." is used somehow.
The usage of .. doesn't magically traverse to root so, how this exploit works is probably due to the parsing of the specific python module and not how the system interprets paths or any other bin tool like the first post suggests.
Thursday 22nd September 2022 14:18 GMT VoiceOfTruth
A couple of ways to create a "bad" tarball:
1. Have absolute paths - /etc/passwd /.bashrc or whatever. When the tarball is extracted it will overwrite those files. Absolute paths are usually seen as bad practice, but they do have their uses (particularly for backups and restores).
2. Use relative paths which go up to / eventually (../../../../../../../../../ you have have dozens of these) and then overwrite something like /etc/passwd or /root/.bashrc or whatever.
To cause this overwriting a few things need to happen.
A. You need a "bad" tarball. This is easy to create.
B. You need to be root or have root privileges.
C You, with your root privileges, need to be fool enough to extract this untrusted tarball as root.
Some people are complaining that point C is too easy to do and the system, or rather the python tarfile module, should not allow it (particularly the extracting part). It's a reasonable point - I gave a quote from the FreeBSD tar man page that to make use of absolute paths you need to at least specify an option to do so - it is not the default behaviour. However those same complainers seem to be overlooking the fact that a root user has extracted an untrusted tar file in the first place.
Thursday 22nd September 2022 22:01 GMT Anonymous Coward
This isn't about sitting at a shell prompt and 'cd ../../../../../../../boot' or what you can or cannot do outside of this "tarfile", this is about the module's tarfile.extract(). If "tarfile" simply passes the string to the OS, what is the point of the library versus simply using for both tar and mkdir?
While off topic, there's also the question of why isn't "tarfile" reading the paths for validity regardless? Shoot, .tar doesn't have any built in parity types, not even 16bit CRC, so why assume the paths are correct at all?
It could be argued that path checking will make the extraction process painfully slow on low memory systems that can't cache but, blindly extracting any archive without looking should be a non-default option. Or more simply, protections should already be in place (to be optionally bypassed).
Thursday 22nd September 2022 15:22 GMT Doctor Syntax
It seems a bit garbled. I read it as saying that if you back up through enough parent directories you will end up at / but that ignores what happens if there are too many .. levels. Will it stop there or throw an error and do nothing? The latter would mean that malicious use would require either a lucky guess or steering the user to a specific level in the hierarchy in the first place.
The real problem here is running an untar out of immediate user control. It's best to run tar -t or use the equivalent functionality in a GUI archive manager such as Ark. That way you can be sure you know what might be affected.
Thursday 22nd September 2022 19:45 GMT Michael Wojcik
Same thing on Windows – that is to say, on NTFS and FAT32 and other filesystems normally supported by Windows.
Using .. for path traversal up to root is an ancient technique; it was widely used in exploits in the previous century. Kind of surprised it's not well-known to most Reg readers. And, yes, this is a problem if you're running the SUS (what succeeded POSIX) tar command or similar with excess privileges, since by default it honors .. in path components.
It's sufficiently well-known that when I wrote a package installer for one of our products around the turn of the century, the specification for the unpacker was that it would discard any paths that weren't in or below the current directory. (The package directory itself was created empty as part of the installation process, so tricks like creating symlinks within it weren't available to attackers who didn't already have a better foothold in the system.)
Thursday 22nd September 2022 16:13 GMT bombastic bob
I usually use the '-t' option to test tarballs before extracting, usually to see if it has a top level directory or is more of a "tar bomb" i.e. no top level directory (meaning I have to change directories before extracting).
maybe a quicky utility could be writttten to use 'tar -t' to scan for files with ".." in the path, then flag it or something like a malware scanner would.
Thursday 22nd September 2022 06:21 GMT Richard 12
Re: Zip too
Many (most?) of the popular zip libraries fixed these things at least five or six years ago.
I remember when QuaZip fixed theirs - it was still on Sourceforge, so ages ago.
Path traversal attacks are a well-known logic flaw, and no, you can't fix it by saying "user needs to check all the paths before extracting"
That's abrogating your responsibility as a library maintainer. Bad Gustäbel, no cookie.
Thursday 22nd September 2022 08:11 GMT Flocke Kroes
Re: PFYs today
Only five or six years ago? Malicious archives and naive tools were a hazard when I was a PFY. Now that my beard is grey checking an archive's content before extracting is an ingrained habit. Back then there were unwashed illiterates who put some files in the archive to extract to the current working directory instead creating a new directory to put everything in.
Next you will be telling me people run 'make install' as root instead of 'make install DESTDIR=/var/tmp/sandbox' from an account that cannot access their home directory.
Friday 23rd September 2022 12:44 GMT Richard 12
Re: Zip too
I've cleaned up the mess many times after people like you believed themselves smart enough to dance through a minefield.
It is the job of a software engineer to remove and defuse as many landmines as is reasonably practicable.
If you refuse, then you have no place writing software or scripting.
Thursday 22nd September 2022 07:02 GMT DrXym
Zip slip
That's the slang name for this class of vulnerability. Probably affects any software that accepts archived files - zips, rars, tars, 7z etc. and then extracts them somewhere without checking if files can escape out of the target directory via either a ../../ style trick or a soft link. Soft links are potentially a more insidious issue to deal with correctly.
Thursday 22nd September 2022 19:45 GMT Michael Wojcik
Re: Zip slip
Yes, though when the phrase "zip slip" was coined, path traversal in archive extraction was already an old technique.
CVE-2001-1267 is a ".." path-traversal vulnerability in GNU tar. It might have been spurred by this BUGTRAQ post.
I think Snyk coined the term "Zip Slip" in 2018.
Thursday 22nd September 2022 12:53 GMT Anonymous Coward
This is why security is a discipline separate from coding
"The software does this really dangerous thing to anybody who is even slightly less than completely diligent all the time but it's not a bug because it's documented" is an attitude that should have died out decades ago.
"Don't open archives if you don't trust the source" is equally unhelpful. Look at how many attacks involve compromising or impersonating a trusted source. (My spam folder currently gets at least one email a day purporting to be from a known contact and asking me to open an archive of alleged photos from "that thing last week"...).
We've got a dangerous security risk, and we can either fix it in (a) one library or (2) 350,000 individual projects, assuming those projects are being actively maintained and the maintainer is made aware of the problem. Do the math.
Sadly this attitude seems to show no sign of declining, which is why security needs to remain a discipline distinct from coding.
Thursday 22nd September 2022 13:34 GMT the spectacularly refined chap
Re: This is why security is a discipline separate from coding
"The software does this really dangerous thing to anybody who is even slightly less than completely diligent all the time but it's not a bug because it's documented" is an attitude that should have died out decades ago.
Alternatively don't do it as root.
Remember, with great power comes great responsibility... If you don't like that that put your stabilisers back on and let the big boys deal with it. It's documented behaviour, desirable or even essential in many cases.
Thursday 22nd September 2022 16:58 GMT Henry Wertz 1
Re: This is why security is a discipline separate from coding
Agreed 100%. Imagine the outrage if one of those many PHP directory traversal flaws that had been found years ago, if the response had been "Welp, better be careful with that!" with no fix.
In the modern era, I really don't expect a tar utility to be able to traverse above the current working directory (...or the directory you specify the output to go to with the appropriate tar flag..), and I doubt the users of the Python method expect this either.
I mean, you could still set up development environments like C of 30-40 years ago -- no input validation, C-style strings with no explicit size and no implcit size on string functions (allowing for easy buffer overflows), no compiler warnings, and so on. Just put in the docs "You better check those strings! Please don't let your buffers overflow!", just put warnings in the docs to not do things instead of the compiler warnings, because after all you should read the docs and not do that. Most can see how silly that sounds, and I think this "well, the tar thing is documented so we're good' is just as silly.
The Pythonic fix here would be to fix this, and (if there's any legitimate use case where someone relies on "../" in their tars) put in a flag to retain the old behavior.
Thursday 22nd September 2022 10:07 GMT OhForF'
Re: No need for path games
I agree, when extracting a tarball from a not 100% trustworthy source you have to know it can overwrite anything accessible to the user running it.
If you need it to only access stuff inside directory other than / you can use chroot.
Assuming python (or tar or whatever) will behave like it was in a chrooted environment is just a wrong assumption and not a python problem.
While that ../ path squashing might be unexpected and considered weird by some it shouldn't be a security problem.
Thursday 22nd September 2022 11:36 GMT Ace2
I was going to ask, “So is this a security issue or not,” but the sentiment in the comments is pretty clear that it’s a molehill.
Brings to mind this Techdirt post from a few days ago:
A few jobs ago I was plagued by an IT security outfit with no sense of cost-benefit, and the current $JOB seems to be heading that way too.
Thursday 22nd September 2022 12:16 GMT Brewster's Angle Grinder
Tell me a use case for trying to extract absolute paths or paths in parent directories. As a common courtesy, unarchivers should block this unless you swear on your mother's grave it's what you want.
Think less of
and more of messing with.bashrc
to run scripts that download malware etc...-
Thursday 22nd September 2022 23:34 GMT petef
It is not always that obvious. I had a real instance of that happening some years ago (the resulting system restore involved fifteen 5¼" floppies). A colleague had asked me to release my storage on their machine. I deleted my home directory but then modified my home to be / so that I could still log in. I informed the machine owner that I had cleared my disk usage. Unfortunately they then opted to remove my user account. Part of that procedure was to remove the user's home directory. Tears ensued.
I raised an issue with Sun who at that stage had become the owner of Interactive UNIX. They declined to put protections in place. I wonder what became of them?
Thursday 22nd September 2022 13:46 GMT VoiceOfTruth
You are still extracting an untrusted file. Why would you do that? The same can be said of some crappy shell script which you downloaded, and you executed that without checking it. The same can be said, and with far stronger words, to those people extracting untrusted files as root. Why would they do that?
I have used absolute paths when I want to know absolutely that is where the files will be extracted to. I have to be careful doing it. I take responsibility for that. I can work round that and do 'cd' and whatever if I want to.
Thursday 22nd September 2022 14:07 GMT Brewster's Angle Grinder
I download tarballs off the internet all the time. It's part of being a dev. If I unzip them in ~/x I expect them to stay there. That's part of the contract with any archiver.
Checking these files meet that contract is exactly the sort of thing computers excel at. It would be very easy for me, a human, to miss some dots in the middle of the path string, especially if they are hidden by some Unicode shenanigans or terminal escape sequences.
Thursday 22nd September 2022 19:45 GMT Michael Wojcik
Re: You aren't perfect
Or more generally: We have decades of overwhelming evidence that expecting perfect vigilance from users does not work and was a monumentally stupid idea to begin with. And we have ample evidence that technically sophisticated users are, on average, as bad or worse than unsophisticated ones at maintaining good security posture.
The commentators posting some form of "it's the user's responsibility" are the problem. That's how we got to the situation we're in. Systems should default to secure, and to minimizing the violation of expectations.
You want an option for your extractor to traverse above the current directory? Fine, make it an option. Don't make it the default.
Thursday 22nd September 2022 18:39 GMT claimed
No, but might be a member of the BYOD group, so let's ensure it's as hard as possible for everyone to shoot themselves in the foot, and we'll all still be better off, even if all the benefit we see is not being leaned on by a limper.
IMO Unintended consequences are problems, let's make sure the default case doesn't have any, and additional effort is required to point rifles at feet.
Personally and professionally I wouldn't run an extract as root, but for many it's only a 'sudo' away
Thursday 22nd September 2022 15:22 GMT Doctor Syntax
Yes, if it's an incoming archive from any source, whether or not you believe it to be trusted, treat it as untrusted and look where it's going to extract to. At the very least it saves you from having to tidy up a directory if you the archive's path doesn't start with a daughter directory - or even if it has a daughter directory with the same name as an existing one.
Thursday 22nd September 2022 15:23 GMT rob_marion
Redhat's assessment
From the Redhat team (for your consideration):
"Red Hat is aware of this issue and is tracking it via the following bug: The Red Hat Security Response Team has rated this issue as having low security impact, a future update may address this flaw."
Still, I think it should be fixed.
Thursday 22nd September 2022 19:32 GMT Lorribot
The attitude of some of the posters herein is exactly the reason why Linux will never be suitable as an OS for all, as newbies are often met by this sort of attitude when trying to find information.
People range from "plain stupid" through "ambivalent" to "know enough to be dangerous" and then on up to the posters levels of skill, caring and knowledge.
Unfortunately 90% of the world falls in to the first three categories and these people need to be protected from themselves, saying stupid people get what they deserve is at best condescending and shameful and at worst sneering and smug, it helps no one.
Every compromised device has the potential to be used against you and the services you use to destroy your life or business, it is us against them why do we fight so much amongst ourselves?
Will you still say they are stupid when your lights go out, bank collapses or the hospital is closed just when you need it because you were busy being smug?
Thursday 22nd September 2022 20:19 GMT Claptrap314
Torn feelings...
I realize that it's the 20's, so no one is allowed to take a position that isn't 100% on one side or another, but here I am.
I still remember 15 years ago when I was experimenting with a multidrive system and having CentOS blow up because the .spec files did the "../../../whatnot" garbage. This. Is. POSIX. I can set a mount a however I deem it appropriate, and YOU DO NOT KNOW where ".." goes.
I don't care that POSIX requires tar to support '..'. On a POSIX system, '..' is not well-defined between systems. Tarballs that use '..' are at best fragile. For that reason alone, use of tar requires care.
But these "researchers" are being more obnoxious than tar is. Unless you carefully examine the use of the library, you cannot know if it is actually "Insecure" or not. Are there really 350,000 open source packages out there using this library that are intended to run as root? I seriously doubt it. So the security implications are no where near what this group is implying.
Of course, root or not, directory traversal is a problem. If the proposal were to add a "safe mode" that prevented root or .. components, that would be great. But we're unfortunately 30 years too late to change the default behavior.