back to article Cambodian authorities crack down on cyber slavery amid international pressure

Authorities in Sihanoukville, Cambodia announced on Sunday that a raid last week uncovered evidence of forced labor cybercrime syndicates that participated in human trafficking and torture. The five-day operation led to the discovery of 130 Chinese immigrants and 11 from Vietnam, mostly all male, who had entered the country …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    sunny place for shady people

    Ah Cambodia, need a business visa? then just a few $ and the agency will take your passport out of the country and bring it back in with a new business visa and someone else's name on the Thai or Laos visa...

    Also advised by local accountants that since there is no mechanism to actually pay tax on foreign remote work then don't worry about it...

    See more luxury vehicles outside certain areas of london, even with the 100s of percent import duty. Needless to say we only stayed there for a year before the corruption and futility of the systems became too much.

    1. Version 1.0 Silver badge

      Re: sunny place for shady people

      The Internet is a sunny place for shady people these days ... this is another "climate change" - I remember loving the Internet back in the early days when I first got a fast modem, but these days (as we can see from so many other articles in El Reg today) doing anything on the Internet is a little risky, our incoming mail server malware deliveries have increased this week, with many sailing through the AV checking.

  2. Henry Wertz 1 Gold badge

    Got to love the police

    Got to love the police.

    "Oh thank goodness you've arrived! We've been in captivity for months and forced to work for these people. So you're going to help?"

    "Nope, here's a fine for working without a permit."

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Got to love the police

      No, not California. CAMBODIA.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Got to love the police

        The Eagles "Hotel CA" says otherwise - but - "first world problems", I guess.

  3. FernTheConcentricGuy

    Never mind Cambodia this sort of thing is happening right in our backyards.

    1. lglethal Silver badge

      If you have specific Info, then the Police are always available and ready to act.

      Otherwise your just spouting bollocks from Fox or the Daily Mail. I dont doubt that there are people stuck in domestic or sexual slavery here, but it's nothing compared to what you'll find in Asia and the Middle East, where the police dont give a shit until external pressure forces them to do a raid or two against the least generous scumbags...

      1. Al fazed

        deluded - Titanic ?

        These criminal gangs operate on a world wide basis. It said so in the article.

        Just because you personally haven't read about, you refuse to believe it. It does not mean that it is not happeneing.

        The real scale of illegal immigrants working in captivity in the UK has yet to be discovered, but the police are having to deal with these issues in connection with things like cannabis farms - throughout the UK.

        In London's surrounding suburbs including Oxford, children as young as 10 years old are being dropped off with a quantity of heroin etc at a local dealers pad. This is where the stay until they have sold the "merch" in £10 bags............. Repeat this cycle........

        Some drug dealers in UK cities (it has been discovered) move in to the "sheltered accomodation" which is being rented to one of their customers. It could be a single parent, the person often has a mental health disability, characteristics which keep them in housing, until the dealer gets caught and they are charged with "assisting" the dealer. The victim loses their "protected tenancy" and ultimately they end up back in the hands of the local authority and social services.

        Recently it was reported that a bunch of folks living on a "travellers" site were discovered to have enslaved a chap who had downs syndrome. They had him working for many years, in exchange for a wrecked caravan for him to live in....

        These are the tips of a fucking iceberg.....

        Wake up !


        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: deluded - Titanic ?

          A friend of mine used to live next to a traveller site. On the day that 39 migrants were found dead in the back of a lorry in Essex ( they noted an unusual amount of activity on site, with the police helicopter overhead for much of the time. I don't doubt there's lots of this going on in the uk.

          I don't agree with your characterisation of Oxford as a suburb of london.

          1. Al fazed

            Re: deluded - Titanic ?


            The criminal gangs think it is a suburb of London, my friends and family say "popping into town" meaning a visit to London, NOT a bus ride into Oxford where they live ........ go figure.

            The times they are a changing.


      2. katrinab Silver badge

        Here is an example from two days ago

        There are similar examples pretty much every day, and yes the police do catch at least some of them, though I'm sure there are plenty more they don't catch.

    2. Michael Wojcik Silver badge

      Yes, it happens all over the world. That doesn't mean we should ignore it when it happens in Cambodia.

  4. Potemkine! Silver badge

    262 foreigners working without work permits were fined.

    Those people are exploited, beaten, tortured and fined? It's insane.

    What's the next step? Condemning them to forced labor?

    == Bring us Dabbsy back! ==

    1. Al fazed


      Give them jobs in the UK where fgirms are struggling to get folks back into the orifice.


  5. Al fazed


    it looks like that job at BT doesn't appear that bad after all............


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