Can't believe they've been sold that pile of garbage.
Bank of England seeks partner to support Oracle Cloud implementation
The UK's central bank is on the hunt for a service partner as it plans to expand its finance, procurement, and recruitment applications into the Oracle Cloud. According to a procurement note, the Bank of England is looking for an IT services company to "support the implementation of technical and change management aspects of …
Friday 23rd September 2022 10:58 GMT Code For Broke
First the Queen, and now this? When will my heart stop weeping for the British people?
My org also bought Oracle Cloud. We just expanded our timeline by at least 6 months. I am thoroughly exhausted at analogizing the awfulness. I have been unable to explain to anyone who needs to understand (leaders, others who are considering) how profoundly and completely destructive Oracle Cloud is to any kind of functioning business process and value chain.
Please. Don't.
Thursday 22nd September 2022 10:22 GMT amanfromMars 1
And of course, not forgetting .....
Such a partner must be able to accept its possible role as a Bank of England/HMGovernment scapegoat in the case of any future headlining “market losses/difficulties” ...... unless there be clauses in their contract excusing them from such a liability/service provision of course.