back to article Malwarebytes blocks Google, YouTube as malware

Google and its Youtube domains are being flagged as malicious by Malwarebytes as of Wednesday morning, blocking users from accessing a whole range of websites. We had assumed this was an error and not a protest by the antivirus maker against Big Tech nor a sign that Google has been compromised. Indeed, it is a blunder by …

  1. David 132 Silver badge

    A desperate creative marketing stunt for Bing?

  2. Someone Else Silver badge

    Really, El Reg?

    At least one of The Register's own vultures was hit by this issue and locked out of email and all other Google services.

    Really? An El Reg hack1 using Gmail?!? Shame!

    I'd have figured a top-notch techie outfit like yourselves would have gone fill-metal Hillary by now and put up your own email server under the (or perhaps domain.

    1 In the newspaper sense...

  3. Lorribot

    The fact that all Chromium based browsers were blocked. Likely it was calling home to Google, suggests that not even Microsoft can get all the Googleness out of Chromium, what hope the likes of Brave, Vivaldi et al?

    Another reason to use Firefox.

    1. iron

      Yeah I found that most interesting.

      Not that I need another reason to block Chrome from my network, but there it is.

    2. LybsterRoy Silver badge

      As a looong time user of MBAM I also had the problem. Two sites were blamed here

      1. David Hicklin Bronze badge


        I would have hoped that anyone blocks that by default

  4. cjcox

    Don't use Malwarebytes

    The only company that introduces the best new feature and then... takes it away.

  5. Contrex

    I was especially annoyed because my UK bank (Natwest) very strongly suggested I install Malwarebytes Premium and gave me a coupon code to get a free licence until at least May 2024. Today I was OK because I made a VNC connection into my headless Raspberry Pi 4 and used the Firefox on there.

    1. hoola Silver badge

      Whilst inconvenient, this is not the first time that an AV provider has inadvertently flagged a valid item as malicious.

      It appeared to be fixed pretty quickly.

    2. LybsterRoy Silver badge

      It could be a lot worse - they used to recommend rapport

  6. Inventor of the Marmite Laser Silver badge

    Google, YouTube malware? Who'd a thunk it?

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    not wrong

    just like smoking and drinking, its bad for you but people still do it. goog and youtube, are like that

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Mopping this up now

    And wondering if it also took down SSO, blocking access to several other annoying software packages we use. I have a coworker who is yelling at the walls while trying to perform a user migration to a new laptop. Took most of the afternoon for the removal command to sync down from the cloud.

  9. James O'Shea Silver badge

    Blocking Google stuff

    is a very good thing. They should have been given medals.

  10. Anonymous Coward

    Too bad

    They didn't block Faecesbook and Twitter. Productivity would have shot up.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Got a love note from them

    "This morning, you may have experienced an issue with the real-time web filtering component of our product blocking certain domains, including In addition, the Nebula console itself may have experienced slowdowns, as it was dealing with a high volume of alert traffic from the web filter.

    Once alerted to the problem, our product team resolved the issue and released an update to our web protection database (version 1.0.60360).

    This update is applied during the normal update process and the issue should automatically resolve. In some cases, updating to the latest database may require temporarily disabling the web filtering feature.

    Why did this happen? This morning, during a routine update, an error was introduced into the Malwarebytes web filtering database which caused various domains to be inadvertently blocked. We are performing an exhaustive analysis of our process to ensure an issue of this type does not affect our customers again, and we will be putting in place new procedures as a result.

    I apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused you and your organization and remain committed to the highest standards of product quality and technical excellence.


    Marcin Kleczynski

    CEO, Co-founder


  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Those YouTube comments can be pretty nasty

    But Malware is a bit strong.

    1. Loyal Commenter Silver badge

      Re: Those YouTube comments can be pretty nasty

      The adverts though; well I'd be inclined to treat all advertising as malware, in the sense that it's unwanted and steals your time. Given that google's principle business model is flogging advertising and finding ever more intrusive ways to force it into our eyeballs, I'd say fair game. The same goes for youtube which seems to have got to the point where a ten second video has 30 seconds of loud unskippable ads in front of it.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Those YouTube comments can be pretty nasty

        YouTube has adverts?!?!

        I'll have to stop using FF... I need adverts... how else am I going to buy my worsted jodhpurs!!!

  13. chivo243 Silver badge

    missed out

    I don't use Malwarebites, (this time!) Or Chrome...

  14. tiggity Silver badge


    There might be a link between recent staff dismissals & this monumental cock up?

  15. DBAosaurus

    They're OK, really

    I've been using Malwarebytes Premium for years and it's always been an excellent, reliable tool. Occasional goof-ups are permitted.

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