The real reason...
"....better protect folks and businesses from the risks of digital assets, keep the country's economy stable and secure, and prevent illicit financial crimes..."
Protect folks and businesses from the risks: Isn't it their risk to take? The government will use this as the excuse to try and control crypto currency. We are here to save you from yourself.
Keep the country's economy stable & secure: Okay, I'll buy that from the government's perspective. The government is worried about losing control of the financial system. They cannot inflate the crypto currency supply to fund their schemes. This is how they manipulate everything with fiat currency. Crypto currency's whole purpose is to take back control of our financial system.
Prevent illicit financial crimes: Riiight. Because Illicit financial crimes cannot be done with good ol' US dollars. Another scare tactic.
What is the government going to do, shut down Bitcoin? Go ahead, send the 150 agents to storm the Bitcoin headquarters. Take it all down. Lock up all the executives. Freeze all their digital assets. Unplug all their computers. Send in drones to crush their data center into tiny pieces of rubble. Yeehaw, that will stop all this crypto stuff, totally, for sure!
Bottom line: The government is hiring 150 agents to educate politicians on what the rest of us already know. Crypto currency cannot be stopped. The only thing government can do is regulate the on & off ramps (USD to BTC, etc).