Campaign Platform
* trust
* transparency
* user engagement
* price cuts
* charitable donations
* huge salaries for directors
Though it's been 18 months since the CEO and chairman was ejected from Nominet, the entity that runs the .uk top-level domain still requires dramatic reform, says one of the candidates standing for election to the board of directors. That vocal candidate is none other than Kieren McCarthy, a veteran technology journalist whose …
This is practically the worst hornet's nest one could get into. It takes a lot of guts to go in and publicly declare that you're not there to be part of the boy's club.
I agree with all his points, I'm just glad that I'm not the one that needs to step up and get it done.
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Yes, Kieren might have some sort of connection to GoDaddy... but he's the one who put in the work to blow this thing wide open, and now he's basically just stated that he intends to run for a board position in order to fuck up the gravy train and drag the whole thing back to what it was supposed to be before it managed to amass £110,000,000 (!).
In other words, anybody who cares about the future of Nominet who doesn't vote for him might well have their snout in the trough...
When I was a teenager my ambition was to go to Europe to work on electronics standards committees. My less boring mates aspired to be musicians, footballers, tennis players but like them I was not good enough to achieve my goal. I mean, I did work in Europe eventually but never got let near a standard.
Does Kieran own a white cat[suit]?
Another journo turned campaigner putting themselves up for election*
*there are other types of "journalist" who put themselves up for election -
e.g. Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson - look what happened to him. Though in his case, the only cause he that matters to him is just himself
I always thought that "Have I Got News For You" was partly responsible for the rise of Boris. They kept having him on as Guest presenter, and he clearly was very entertaining in the position. Only problem was it normalised him in front of an electorate that is clearly 3 sheets to the wind. Character and entertainment was more important than truth and ability. Who cares about all the snouts in the trough, as long as the entertainment doesn't end.