Re: stinks
All public procurement is similarly tainted - it is built in.
Actually, no it isn't. There are a lot of rules and checks-n-balances which should prevent issues like those described. The problem comes as things get bigger and more specialised - then you get problems where the choice of potential supplier gets smaller, potentially down to single suppliers*
As the complexity goes up, so does the difficulty of ensuring that not only are things done properly, but also seen to be done properly.
And, it has to be said that Civil Service pay constraints are a big part of the problem - you may guess that I'm posting AC as a CS. Where it seems that civil servants have whizzed through the revolving door and are no consultants with the very suppliers they were previously dealing with as a CS - a big part of the problem is that CS pay is ... staying polite ... "not competitive"**, especially for the sort of skills involved in tendering and procuring large complex systems. The (ever shrinking) "perks" of being a CS, and a pride in public service, only go so far when you have bills to pay and there's a private contractor waving the option of a massive pay rise under your nose.
So next time you see/hear some politician slagging off CSs, bear in mind that the bunch breaking lockdown rules and partying at No 10 do not represent the majority of us who just carried on working while obeying the rules and getting thanked with a pay freeze followed by yet another below inflation rise.
* For example, no point going out to competitive tendering to deliver a nuclear submarine as there's only one UK source with the capability. But, in cases like that, there is CAAS (Cost Assurance and Analysis Service) in the MoD who will go over stuff with a fine toothed comb to make sure the MoD is not being overcharged for anything.
** It may interest some to find that the lowest grades of CS actually got pay rises this year in order for their department to stay within the law in minimum wages. Not "the lowest grade", but I believe at least two grades were involved. But I believe they've had their hours altered "to align T&Cs" - which I've read will take them out of the minimum wage rules next year.