Re: Diversity should be a consequence, not a goal.
You seem very certain that it's not even possible. You aren't offering any evidence that it's wrong, except "because I said so". I'm not even suggesting it's definitely the case, just that it's a possibility. It's possible that because of evolution, it's been beneficial for women to tend towards certain traits, and men towards different traits. That's not to say that all women are this or that, just a tendency.
I feel like this idea warrants further research. However, I can't imagine any university in this country would touch it with a ten mile barge pole, because it's simply verboten to even suggest such a thing.
Being married to a very strong woman, who is an extremely talented manager (better than I could ever dream of) and also picked up coding pretty quickly, I can state that this tendency isn't always the case. In my experience women have often made better managers. I don't think men and women are completely the same. Taking the comment out of context kind of misses the point, you need to look at the whole thing.
I really don't know if women make better coders or if men do. I've worked with some very decent women coders, who are much better than I am. I've also worked with very few women coders, but I simply don't know if that's because they often don't like it, or because of the patriarchy.
You've jumped straight to "it's the inherent bias in the system", without offering any evidence.
It's not a "viewpoint" or an "attitude", it's just an idea. We should better understand what drives certain behaviors with an open mind, so that people can be better off and more happy.
Or are you actually suggesting we should aim for 50/50 in nursery nursing? To me that seems obviously wrong, because there just aren't that many men who are interested in working with little children. Of course there are some, but it's not many.
If you think the argument should be "torn to shreds" then go ahead.