Curly -- or Straight?
"Linguine" is plural, so the unit should be the "Linguina".
They are also elliptical, so should only really be a unit for elliptical things. Interestingly (?) some human hairs are elliptical.
China announced last Friday it discovered a hitherto unknown mineral in samples returned from the Moon. The mineral, dubbed "Changesite-(Y)", was named after Chang’e – a moon goddess in Chinese mythology and the namesake of the Chang’e-5 mission that retrieved a sample of lunar dust in 2020. China's sample clocked in at 1. …
I'm fairly sure that the Linguine unit refers to the length rather than the width of the fundamental pasta particles. The other dimensions of the particle are ill-defined.
The dangerous practice of of 'splitting the Linguine' (for example, when feeding children) can cause serious leaks of the sauce and consequent irreversible changes to tablecloths.
Nothing wrong with antipasta if used in properly controlled conditions, as shown by the Cannelloni On Macaroni Experiment 2 Pasta-AntiPasta Annihilator (COME-2-PAPA), where they have been using antipasta safely for years (unlike the rather reckless people at the Fast Food Fight Facility (FFFF), where collisions frequently cause leaks of sauce into the environment)
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I wouldn't pay too much attention to this. They still think linguine is 14cm. it demonstrably isn't.
If, as you say, the mean length of dry linguine is just over 25 cm, have you taken into account how much this increases by when cooked? Pasta can as much as double in volume when cooked, so assuming the swelling is isometric, this would mean the length would increase by up to the cube root of three, minus 1 (or by a little over 25%)
Of course, this still doesn't make linguine 14 cm, but depending on how well cooked it is (I prefer it al dente), your 25 cm piece could end up as long as 31.5 cm, and measuring using such soggy pasta could mean that the 2 m distance you refer to in your blog may only be 6.3 linguine.
It seems to me that the El reg measurement may refer to the cooked length of half a piece of al dente linguine. Maybe this is taking into account the practise some cooks have of breaking the pasta in half before adding it to the pot?
Breaking linguine? Breaking? If that's how they get it into the pot, they really need to find a different profession.
My god. I need tea and a lie down now.
PS: Interesting idea on the expansion during cooking. I'll have to add some extra linguine and then measure it.
I ate sixteen pasta today - or sixteen pieces of pasta, I never learned Latin. Is it like Lego? The conch shell ones. I can tell you now that if you can count the pasta on your plate then it's not enough to fill you, no matter how well you improvise a sauce.
I hate the nouveau pauvre boasting about having a choice between heating or eating. I resent those rich sods on Universal Credit who still have teeth and glasses.
I confess I have saved a huge strategic reserve of pasta I was saving that for the apocalypse, but that is now.
Incidentally, if you break a piece of linguine (or spaghetti, or other long straight pasta) by bending it, it's not going to break into two equal pieces, and it'll probably break into three, as the bending stress will cause a "whiplash" effect in the longer piece which will break a smaller bit off the end of it. I can't remember where I read the article about someone modelling the stresses, it might even have been on El Reg.
Found it, it was the winner of an Ig Nobel Prize no less:
Organizations like MI5 and the FBI frequently issue warnings of Chinese espionage and the CCP's strong long game to encourage further invention of absolutely fabulous speculation justifying their raison d'être for continued existence and financing/fiat money supply for global disbursement and product purchase/proprietary intellectual property capture.
Such a methodology though has many able to copy it and thus be they equally well equipped to successfully capture and enjoy the employment and deployment of a leading overwhelmingly almighty powerful advantage which ideally delivers free reign and indisputable dominion over all others whenever such is available and on offer.
However, a major self-destructive problem arises and expands exponentially then whenever the warnings issued are more recognised to be fake news for further future program conversion with media preparations and presentations of intricate fabricated perceptions for public acceptance as profound metadatabased physicalised realities by those targeted ...... for more than one can play that Greater IntelAIgent Game.
Would you like to deny that is a current available live running virtualising reality for capture and enjoyment and employment and deployment/payment and purchase?
Once upon a time, Dr Who, in lands both far away and near, did everyone believe the Earth to be flat, which is odd whenever it has been photographed and proven to be not so and anything but ..... https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b6/18/4a/b6184a1289bbd01c2cb93dd70610d6b6.jpg
Utter gibberish. Are you allergic to commas and semi-colons as well as punctuation in general? Even Ginsberg used commas.
Let's consolidate your floodgate run-on post:
"M15 and the FBI frequently issue FOS Warnings over Chinese Achievements."
I won't touch the rest of your post with a 10 ft pole.
"Would you like to deny that is a current available live running virtualising reality for capture and enjoyment and employment and deployment/payment and purchase?"
Yes, I would like to deny that, that particular run-on sentence, means a bloody thing.
If you're disagreeing with, rather than just disliking, that which is freely shared under the hood of The Genie's out of the Lamp and Exploring the Delights of Pandora's Open Box, Lordrobot, you're not gonna be prepared for, and will then struggle to accept as possible, escaping news of Near Future Otherworldly AWE*some Strategic Surprises of a Novel and Noble Paramilitary Ilk which would pit Postmodern Pioneering Cavaliers against Outmoded Establishment Roundheads/Non-State Private Pirates against Public State Non-Entities.
*Advanced Warfighter Experienced
Ps .... can you clarify, for those who may be interested in what you say, what FOS you are referencing. As you can see here, is there an extensive choice list with quite a few possibilities providing sense in the place of gibberish.
No, technically it 'massed' 1.73 kg on the Moon as well, since kg is the SI unit of mass.
The term 'weighed', as used by most people, is under the assumption that the weighing takes place under the conditions of 1g (one Earth gravity). When you weigh something you should be measuring in Newtons.
-> under the assumption that the weighing takes place under the conditions of 1g (one Earth gravity)
Which is true for 99.99999999% of people who have ever lived. People weighed things long before SI and space travel even existed. It's this sort of language appropriation which annoys people. If you want to say "mass" then say it.
Which is true for 99.99999999% of people who have ever lived. People weighed things long before SI and space travel even existed. It's this sort of language appropriation which annoys people. If you want to say "mass" then say it.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ,
and the love of God,
and the communion of the Holy Spirit
be with you all.
Brothers and sisters, let us acknowledge our sins,
and so prepare ourselves to celebrate the sacred mysteries.
I'm going to be really pedantic here, so I expect to be shot down by VoT, but weighing things at different places on the surface of the earth with the same equipment gives different results as a result of gravity not being constant on across the entire Earth's surface.
The force applied to an object (and thus it's weight) is dependent on the distance between the centre of gravity of the two objects. So altitude matters, and as the Earth is an oblate spheroid so does the latitude.
In addition, the density of the earth is not uniform, so the centre of gravity of the Earth is not exactly at the centre of the Earth, resulting in some descrepancies at various points on the Earth's surface.
The difference will not be very large (varying by about 0.5%), but it's a counter argument to the comment about 99.99999999% of the people who have ever lived being under 1g.
I still remember the horror of trying to eat pasta that had been cooked at 16000 ft up Kilimanjaro several hours before the midnight start of the final ascent. It achieved a consistency of extractal dente in that it was impossible to chew and then stuck to your teeth sufficiently well to pull them out should you wish to speak!
You are quite correct that the force is different in different places. It's standard practice to calibrate a scale in the location where it's installed, partly for this very reason. (Calibrated using kg weights, of course, so that the mass shown on the scale is accurate.)
The real challenge is getting force-weights (like a 50-Newton weight) calibrated properly at an off-site lab. You have to specify your local gravity so the lab adjusts the weight to be 50 N at YOUR facility, not theirs!
I disagree. When people say something "weighs" 1kg, they are making a statement about how much of it there is. That's what's important when, e.g., baking a cake or doing the shopping.
Scales will of course be calibrated to local gravity (as happens here on Earth, gravity is not the same - 1kg in, say, Greenland is about 0.5% heavier than that same kg in Ecuador). But it's still "1kg".
On the Moon, I'm guessing 1lb is quite a bit more than 1kg.
"No, technically it 'massed' 1.73 kg on the Moon as well, since kg is the SI unit of mass."
True, however it also 'weighed' 3.8lbs since, as everyone knows, a pound is a measure of force (like the Newton) and the actual imperial unit of mass is the slug.
Hmmmm... I sense an opportunity. El reg should add the slug as a unit of mass (e.g., 1 adult badger == 130.4347 banana slugs).
However, I note that el reg has also intermixed measures of weight and mass. We need a purifying revamp of the standards!
It's a little disappointing that it relates to Chinese mythology. I was hoping the new stuff found would have been given entirely random names: Changesite, Felicity, Seven, Trevor...
It would make science class much more interesting - today we're going to learn about the mineral "Myfanwy".
Helium-3, being a Fermion, should not exhibit superfluidity, a property of bosonic liquids. Helium-4 refrigeration below 2.17K is difficult because it goes superfluid and gushes through the tiniest of gaps, ask CERN....
<high voice> " we think the Helium is leaking"....
Of course, Fermions can pair-up, Cooper pairs, to make Bosons, and this is why electrons can become superconductors - and why, eventually, He-3 can become superfluid, but at a much lower temperature.
There has to be another mineral called Changesite that does not contain Yttrium...
I haven't been able to find the chemical formula ( which is strange, it has to be clearly defined for the IMA to accept a new mineral name ) but since there'es that trailing Y and it's a phosphate it at least contains the following elemen/complex : Y and PO4
now for a complete answer, I'm going to use a similar phosphate : merrillite and merrillite-Y
Merrillite : Ca8NaMg(PO4)7
Merrillite-Y : Ca16Y2Mg2(PO4)14
As you can see, the Yttrium replaced the Sodium in the formula...
"They found a single crystal particle among the 140,000 lunar sample particles with a diameter of about 10 microns."
Might this mean that the largest, of many particles, reached 10 microns. How many, smaller, particles were there? 0 or > 1 ? Disambiguation requested.
This might also account for the -Y, if more particles did have Y.
There is not a lot of helium-3 in lunar regolith (which is just the surface layer, and is the only layer that contains any at all) - it's in the tens of parts per billion at best. That means collecting and processing billions of tons of regolith for a few measly tons of helium-3, which isn't all that useful outside some niche extreme cryogenic applications. It's not a worthwhile fusion fuel - it produces less energy per fusion event than standard D-T fusion, and would be quite difficult to ignite and sustain (we don't yet know the Lawson Criterion (difficulty to ignite) for 3He-3He, but we do know it for D-3He and it's 16 times harder to ignite than D-T). The sole "advantage" is that 3He-3He is aneutronic, but the neutronic emission from D-T is actually useful for breeding more fuel.
People are constantly discovering new minerals. So what?
*Everything* on the surface of the Moon has a tiny bit of 3He in it. So what?
3He is a terrible fusion fuel; it's difficult to fuse. Sure, fusing doesn't make your reactor parts radioactive like Tritium does, but if you can't get it to fuse then so what?
Don't get me wrong: it's neat that they brought samples back from the Moon. But this is a tempest in a teapot, a transparent effort to get a headline.
"The UK's Imperial College has reportedly decided to shut down two Chinese-sponsored aerospace research centers after warnings they could unintentionally aid the Chinese military." UNINTENTIONALLY?
Here is BREXIT. Instead of being more independent, The UK is now essentially a US Colony. Instead of opening up global trade, the UK is closing it down on behalf of assisting the US to Nancy Kerrigan knee bash the Chinese at every turn.
If the US and UK can no longer compete just say so... The KneeCapping foreign policy of the US and its slave state the UK, is nothing more than the new low standard of LOSERSHIP.
It is repulsive to read a story about a great new discovery that is parsed with backhanded phrases minimizing the effort, then having the UK act in such an utterly stupid fashion on behalf of retrograde Murica... Murica is pegging the moron meter these days and UK has become it's trained ape.
Getting right down to the nitty gritty then, Lordrobot ..... whenever what you say is true of the UKGBNI, who is to blame and be held accountable for the disaster?
Members of Parliament in the Commons and House of Lords and their aiding and abetting Civil Servants? The Bank of England for supplying them with apparently limitless currency generating untenable debt and increasing deficits for payments of living expenses and lovely rewards? An ignorant and unwholly civilised population for tolerating and allowing such a mess to continue day after day without any end in sight? Or do you prefer to blame foreign powers over whom there are similar degrees of zero command and control and accountability ‽ .
Who/What might they be?
It’s all nothing less than a titanic disgrace, isn’t it? And I wouldn’t like to be discovered fundamentally responsible for that situation, for one doesn’t have to be an Einstein to know what the mob will do, with every right and justification, to that and those pulling their strings and the wool over their eyes so they cannot see what fools they are being taken for at every available opportunity.