Product lifecycle?
The question with this class of SBC is how long will you be able to buy it for after you have designed it into some system
If you’ve ever thought to yourself these single board computers (SBC) could use a few more cores, Asus’ Aaeon latest system might be right up your alley. The biz’s GENE-ADP6, announced this week, can pack as much as a 12-core/16-thread Intel processor with Iris Xe graphics into a 3.5-inch form factor. The diminutive system is …
The critical consideration for business application.
There's loads of great boards out there that are far more powerful than the Rasp Pi, but the Rasp Pi is good enough, has lots of general support, and the company is upfront about advertising minimum time of production runs, etc...
> a 12-core/16-thread Intel processor with Iris Xe graphics into a 3.5-inch form factor.
Until you account for the size of the heatsink needed and the power supply for such a beast.
Having such a small board becomes a bit pointless with all the ancillary equipment it requires.
If you (like I did) see this and thing and say, "What a cool little desktop I could build!" you're right. But this is designed for embedded applications so presumably it'll be embedded in some larger piece of equipment where a heat-sink and 80W PSU may be a drop in the bucket for the overall system weight and power budget.
Or it has to go inside a EMC / dust /waterproof enclosure inside a machine. Then suddenly a motherboard size box inside your Gruntmeister (with an umlaut) 2000 gets surprisingly expensive.
If you want a PC this size and this powerful with a chance they will be around in 10years, look at Shuttle
Now we've abandoned the teraflop in favour of the raspberry pi as a unit of computing power, what will the units of electrical consumption and thermal output be in el reg articles?
In honour of the now-obsolete Watt, maybe it should be related to steam and kettles. Journalist cuppas-per hour could be used for both electrical usage and temperature increases, though both size-of-Wales (or whales) and Hiltons might be relevant. I guess the reg unit system needs some unification.
The number of SBCs which keep rapidly appearing, and just as rapidly disappearing, is getting tiresome.
Aaeon can't be serious about wanting into the SBC marketplace with this product, simply based on price.
If you really think they're serious, simply head on over to their website provided by the hyperlink in this article in order to get a price. You won't find any prices; instead,you're asked to fill out a lengthy form, "to get a quote", which would put a passport application to shame.
You aren't really serious, are you, Asus?
Go away.
And, El Reg, how about not running articles like this any more. The simple criterion for not publishing would be the vendor's unwillingness to be totally up-front regarding prices. so that you can make the prices---an interesting, informative, and (should be) absolutely mandatory part of the article---immediately available to the reader.
See how simple this is?
And one last message for you, Asus: based on how hard you're making it to get basic, BASIC information on this brand new killer product, I would not even, on a dare, consider it, under any circumstances.
See how simple this is?
I agree on the pricing. If you sell something to individuals, or even to businesses who might buy one of them at a time, post the prices. Don't make me email you to ask how much the thing costs. Even if you don't sell that many of them, it suggests there's a reason to hide the prices, which dissuades me from sending an email I expect to be pointless but add me to a spam list.
The only reason not to post prices is if they intend on negotiating with every perspective buyer, which only makes sense for bulk orders. That's not the case here, and I'm prepared to guess they already have a price list they send to anyone who wants to buy less than a hundred units.