back to article Newport Wafer Fab sale to Chinese company held up again by's probe

The UK government has asked for more time to make its final decision on whether to retroactively approve or block the sale of Newport Wafer Fab (NWF) company to Chinese owners. The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy belatedly launched a full blown assessment of the sale in May on grounds of national security …

  1. alain williams Silver badge

    Do not sell to the enemy

    Sorry to be so stark, but China is increasingly showing itself to be a country that is acting against us and our friends; it is throwing its weight around more & more - look at the firighteners that it put on Taiwan last month.

    1. JimmyPage

      Re: Do not sell to the enemy

      Too late.

    2. Alex Stuart

      Re: Do not sell to the enemy

      Indeed. We shouldn't be selling off this kind of industry at all, but especially not to China.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Do not sell to the enemy

        I find it somewhat depressing that no one in the UK wants to invest in businesses such as this. The comments by Toni Versluijs imply it’s simply a case of buying the company to shut it down?

    3. VoiceOfTruth

      Re: Do not sell to the enemy

      Look at the frighteners the USA puts on the whole world. It turned the whole of south America into wretched dictatorships in the 60s and 70s. How many did the USA murder in Iraq? The Years of Lead in Italy and the strategy of tension, meaning murdering people in supposed allied countries.

      1. llaryllama

        Re: Do not sell to the enemy

        Once again, nobody mentioned the US. Go take it somewhere else.

    4. TVU

      Re: Do not sell to the enemy

      "China is increasingly showing itself to be a country that is acting against us and our friends"

      ^ This, and the same applies to Russia too. Both autocratic states are no friends of the democracies.

  2. Piro

    Ahhhh stop!

    We need to stop selling our assets abroad, let alone China!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Ahhhh stop!

      You are about 40 years too late for that, sunshine.

  3. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

    Quit FCUKing around and get on with it ... if you care dare to win win or lose disgracefully.

    A simple solution if a sale of Newport Wafer Fab (NWF) company is sought by its owners is for it to be purchased at the recognised and already offered price plus a dollar by UKGBNI PLC.

    Or is that too much like a practical demonstration of politically astute leadership and thus beyond the keen and grasp of knuckle headed Parliamentarians and their wannabe masters/cavalier string pullers?

    1. Spazturtle Silver badge

      Re: Quit FCUKing around and get on with it ... if you care dare to win win or lose disgracefully.

      I wish the Dutch government would take action to force Wingtech to sell Nexperia, then a consortium of European governments including the UK could buy it and operate it like Airbus.

  4. VoiceOfTruth

    national security

    -> that is the national security assessment

    Please stop spreading this nonsense. It is nothing to do with national security. It is about taking orders from Washington

  5. bondyboy

    Great deep dive into the plant and why what it does is important in this tweet, living close to it I always though it made low end chips for white goods

    1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

      Satisfyingly revealing and broadly informative .... is a gold standard for Advancing Intelligence

      Thanks for that hyperlink, bondyboy.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Satisfyingly revealing and broadly informative .... is a gold standard for Advancing...

        Thanks for the linkify, Mars man!

      2. cyberdemon Silver badge


        Here's a better hyperlink:

        Replace with and view without being slurped.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Move along now.....nothing to see here....

    If the UK really wants a piece of the world chip market, then the Chancellor of the Exchequer (whoever that happens to be) need to find some serious money:

    - TSMC is investing about 100 billion dollars (note the "B") in seven new foundries in Arizona

    - Intel is investing an undisclosed amount (but also in the billions of dollars) in new foundries

    No one knows what Samsung are doing, but it's probably in line with the two items quoted above.

    So.....this Newport farago is simply noise......with some of the media trying (hard) to ignore the fact that Newport makes no difference at all!! National just the usual smoke and mirrors!

    What will make a difference will be billions of pounds of new investment.....invested in the UK......I'm not holding my breath!!!



    1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

      Re: Move along now.....nothing to see here.... A SWIFT Kill Dispenses with the Prolonging of Pain

      The problem appears to be that HMGovernment ministers and Bank of England wonks are reluctant to embrace and enjoy the spend, spend, spend fiat currency of the Magic Money Tree methodology that Uncle Sam and friends and enemies have so fallen head over heels in love with and would have you fail to employ and compete with them in attracting novel emerging and empowering private and pirate proprietary intellectual property able to deliver excessive future wealth for lavish spendings beyond normal imaginings.

      An added difficulty appears to be one just can’t get suitable staff these days for such vital roles as define whether one will continue to fail miserably in a future world or lead the very same and enthusiastic followers in prosperous pioneering vanguard movements which deliver such goods as formerly could only have been hoped for in the most vivacious of wet dreams and craziest of 0day daydreams.

      The question to ask oneself then is ..... Is that a systemic failing ready to be rightly fixed of existing leaderships or future leaderships? And is the best and quickest solution to demonstrate the almighty power and innate abilities of any novel future command and control leadership in such a competitive situation, their provision of information and intelligence which catastrophically crashes present vital strategic infrastructure and interdependent services?

  7. Danny 2

    The UK can't afford chip shops

    £2.10 for a £0.70 chip roll, honestly, how are our school children supposed to get fat now? We are nouveau pauvre.

    It's a sad state of affairs when the republic of Ireland has more wafer fabs than Britain.. Luckily our new PM is pledged to good relations with Ireland.

    1. cyberdemon Silver badge

      Re: The UK can't afford chip shops

      Would those be caramel wafer fabs or chocolate?

      How do they compete with the irish ice cream wafer?

      They're all going up I hear. Something to do with the cost of running freezers and roasting cocoa beans..

  8. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    Ironic HMG has never given a f**k who owns "British" companies, EG Water, Gas, Electricity

    Why start now?*


    I try everything in Britian first. If it works here I try it in a real country.

    Britain. Petri dish to the world.


    *Except of course BAE, which it has a "Golden share" in. F**k knows why.

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