Re: usually "art" is created by a closed group of craftsmen
Just "art" is no longer defined that way, as "craftsmanship", and that happened a century ago, in some ways even earlier. So it looks to me that those who complains for an AI-generated image look to arrive plenty late.
Maybe we could discuss if the image is too "pictorial" and thereby another attempt to re-invent painting under a different name, and what AI-Art should really be.
Read the Baudelaire "rant" against photography - you can probably replace "photography" with "AI" in most of it, and get what most people would think now about AI-generated art.
Still, Baudelaire was off mark because photography and painting, although similar superficially, as both produce images, are two different things.
As surrealists were already trying "automatic writing" would think about AI-genereated texts - and what Baudelaire would think of it... and poets too could have been accused of being "would-be musician, every musician too ill-endowed or too lazy to complete his studies", IMHO.... without the skills to write and perform music, as in ancient times an aoidos did write and perform music and poetry.