I don't get it; why pay VMWare a premium to run a VM on AWS?
VMware’s Amazonian incarnation drops requirement to run on dedicated hosts
VMware has made a profound change to its partnership with AWS by removing the need to run its wares on dedicated clusters. VMware Cloud on AWS was the virtualization giant’s first partnership with a hyperscale public cloud and launched in 2017 with a requirement to rent four hosts and sign up for one or three years and spend …
Monday 5th September 2022 08:47 GMT Michael Duke
Because you have a fully virtualized VMware environment with an ecosystem of management, applications, skills and processes that support a VMware environment but need or want to run some workloads in public cloud.
Because you want to use AWS as your DR site so you do not need to standup a complete replica in another "local"ish data center.
There are a myriad of reasons for it.