Copyright infringer pot calls kettle black
India is one giant copyright infringing territory. As Oxford and Cambridge and others found out a few years ago.
A ruling handed down from the Delhi High Court this week declared that Telegram must hand over information such as IP addresses, mobile numbers, and devices used by channels on the platform involved in copyright infringement. A copy of the ruling is available on Indian legal news blog Livelaw [PDF], with judge Prathiba …
As long as Telegram doesn't transact any business in India this is unenforceable. This is presumably know to all concerned and might, as in the UK and elsewhere give the politicians the incentive to draft more draconian legislation which might also let them see who's having a tipple in Delhi or going to a mosque…
I cant recall exactly what happened but in the early teens, India tried to strong arm RIM into disclosing the encryption keys for BB devices used in India - and I thin k it got nowhere as the market in India wanted BB's but they couldnt force anyone in Canada to comply.
The outcome will be no different because the Indian government, like most governments, is always well behind the public and private sector when it comes to circumventing nonsense government 'orders'.