Ya know
It’s as if the whole she-bang is a bit dodgy!
The FBI has urged people to be cautious and heavily research a DeFi – decentralized finance – provider before putting your money into it, after more than a billion dollars was stolen from these providers in three months. In an alert this week, quoting numbers from blockchain research firm Chainalysis, the Feds said $1.3 …
"The explosive growth and high returns of the DeFi ecosystem have lured many early adopters to embrace blockchain technologies, such as smart contracts," Oglesby told The Register. "However, early investors should be wary. Most DeFi systems have little protection or safety nets in place to prevent catastrophic loss from a fraudulent attack."
But we were told that blockchain was the future and the solution to everything. .
I wonder if Gartner isn't in fact an NK proxy...
== Bring us Dabbsy back! ==
Here's some professional advice for free : don't.
Only time will tell ? Really ?
It's been well-nigh 14 years since BitCoin started burning the world and nothing good has come of it, or any of its siblings, since.
However, the number of exchanges run by crooks or idiots has been revealed to be, well, practically all of them.
This is a case where you should actually throw the baby out with the bathwater.
The FBI should have started charging the operators of these DeFi/craptocurrency outfits with aiding terrorism with their shitty coding back when this started happening, rather than years later, after North Korea has used the billions of dollars to fund their weapons programme. That would have given everyone to incentive to write better code, or even better, shut themselves down and saved a lot of idiots from getting scammed.