Teenager Loon Theories
Key paragraph:
"...NHTSA...claimed [NOT proved] the oncoming vehicle was...estimated at [NOT measured]...40mph in a 25mph zone...in the right-turn/bus-only lane as the Cruise AV was attempting to make its unprotected left turn."
Who cares what the idiot in the Pious clown car was doing? GM is 100% responsible for its clown-car deathtrap.
Here is what a traffic-court judge would tell you:
- You are not owed a left turn.
- Your left turn is under your control.
- Do not turn unless conditions are unambiguously safe.
A proper judge is not going to entertain teenager theories of "AV" loons.
I hope that both CA and GM are sued until their bad ideas end up in the grave along with the people they kill.