As for Harmony.... "Harmony OS – the platform it created after US sanctions denied the Chinese giant access to Google's Android operating system."
Those were not US SANCTIONS THEY WERE TRUMP SANCTIONS... Apparently to "OWN CHINER" TRUMP cut off GOOGLE ANDROID.... however Trump was unaware that Android was open source other than the bit from which Google makes money... So Google got clipped from the CHINER markets and Huawei the company TRUMP claims to have killed has opened this up to Asian Service providers. NOT GOOGLE. Don't feel sorry for the Muricans they still enjoy the ANDROID with Monopoly Google Services.
Onto DJI.... Trump made it so Muricans could not invest in DJI, Huawei, or SMIC and tried to do the same with Xiomai who fought back in the US Federal Courts and Won. Basically, this eliminates Muricans from investing in these companies yet the products flow freely through the stream of commerce. So you can own a DJI drone TRUMP TARIFFS and ALL, you just can't own DJI stock and participate in their incredible success. Though Hedge funds are exempt from this rule of course. Only dumb Muricans are singled out for this stupidity. And anyone that flies drones all over the world knows DJI makes the best drones which should really scare the paranoid Jingoists since Chinese Drones are likely to be far more advanced than those used by other military ops worldwide. And you don't need AI to figure that one out for you. Just fly a DJI drone and compare it with anything else in the world.
Nice to see Countries all over the world using National Security to decouple from the USA. Did you need AI to help you figure this out too? Thanks again to TRUMP Made in Murica paranoia, Somehow the US drew the conclusion that they were soooooo very important to the world of technology that nobody would dare block US technology. Well, they don't. They simply don't buy it. Last month a CHINER air carrier bought $38 Billion in Air Buss narrow bodies snubbing Boeing. That is how it works. The last bit of Propaganda was the US claiming that Huawei dumb switches in some rural cow pasture states like Nebraska were spying on US NUKE SILO. What was the real message here? Dumb Switches aren't sending anything to Beijing, BUT THE US BLOWHARD JUST WANTED TO REMIND THE WORLD OF THE UPPITY that they have nuke silos in Nebraska ready to blast off.
Apple Suppliers moving to Vietnam... Trump Said VIETNAM was the WORST TRADE OFFENDER and they WERE RIPPING OFF THE USA.... Vietnam is not sanctioned and not surprisingly Chinese Companies not only make products in Vietnam, but they jointly own the factories with Vietnamese businesses. UNLESS THE US SANCTIONS EVERY NATION ON EARTH... other than the UK, Australia of course the "moral three" these clever and UPPITY ASIANS will just keep playing musical countries for the purpose of avoiding TRUMP now BIDEN SANCTIONS AND TARIFFS...
US needs to DECOUPLE to enjoy the wonderful benefits which BREXIT has brought the UK. MURIEXIT...