How many transactions have you concluded in any currency, real or virtual with an unknown entity on the other side of the world in a sanctioned country?
I can't think of a single instance in all my years where I have done that or believed it was necessary to do so.
Also, I'm not sure on what you mean by "person you do not know". Know in what sense of the word? I mean, I'd have to "know" the person's wallet address in order to send BTC. I'd also have to "know" the person or entity well enough to trust that I will receive value for the currency I transfer.
Furthermore, if the entity on the other end of that transaction resides (your example) in a sanctioned country, that transaction is illegal, period. Whether that transaction is concluded in BTC, dollars, bars of gold or crates of seashells matters not.
I'm tired of these strange hypothetical use-cases for cryptocurrencies. No one regularly sends funds in any form to individuals or businesses in sanctioned countries on the other side of the globe, except to pay for a decryption key if they got crypto'd and didn't have backups or have them sufficiently air-gapped.