back to article Microsoft: Outlook desktop app crashing due to missing identity setting

Outlook sometimes goes wrong and even Microsoft occasionally can't work out why, judging by a freshly published Microsoft 365 support article. The article is related to that most common of Outlook (Desktop) ailments: "Outlook closes shortly after it is opened." In our experience, the problem tends to be accompanied by a terse …

  1. Version 1.0 Silver badge

    I have no Outlook problems at all

    It's probably because I'm still running Outlook 2010 and Microsoft hasn't upgraded any new bugs for years now.

    1. Trollslayer
      Thumb Up

      Re: I have no Outlook problems at all

      I was going to post that precise post to the same version!

    2. 43300 Silver badge

      Re: I have no Outlook problems at all

      Apart from all the probable unpatched security issues which have come to light since it went out of support, presumably?

      1. that one in the corner Silver badge

        Re: I have no Outlook problems at all

        Looks like the probable unpatched security issues PLUS the certainty of fascinating new bugs in the newer versions is trumping the probable unpatched security issues in the older version.

  2. Lee D Silver badge

    Sounds like their usual quality, to be honest.

    I hate Outlook with a vengeance, it's not even a particularly great email or calendaring client and it really only has two things to do: email and calendaring!

    I don't get the obsession with it and I would be happy to never have to manage it again and haven't used it personally for years now.

    The whole profile-on-the-local-machine thing is so archaic too, it really needs to just die and become nothing more than a small cache of the server content that in the case of problems, one click and you start afresh from server-only data.

    And programs that forcibly integrate with it or MAPI should be shot on sight. It's the only kindness you can afford them.

    1. Steve Davies 3 Silver badge

      There is a reason it is called 'LookOut'

      And you have described one of the several hundred thousand reasons why.

      I have managed to avoid it since 2009. Long may that continue.

      1. dajames

        Re: There is a reason it is called 'LookOut'

        Round here it's referred to as "OutHouse", for obvious reasons.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: There is a reason it is called 'LookOut'

          It's "OutBreak" here...

    2. AMBxx Silver badge

      Your profile is now synched with the cloud settings. You don't download everything - just a date range you specify.

      If you want to feel real hate, try the PWA version. Doesn't stay as PWA all the time, having an odd habit of launching browser windows for some options, but not for others. Then there's the problem of switching between calendar and email - why so slow?

    3. Zippy´s Sausage Factory

      There are several hundred things that annoy me about Outlook. One is that it contains an inferior clone of Lotus Organizer - Organizer was brilliant but for some reason they refused to integrate it with... anything, ever.

      Then there's the crashing. Outlook and Excel seem to have a competition of who can go the most wrong this week.

      The constant UI nonsense - I dread any updates as they nearly always break my workflow because some intern in Microsoft's soi-disant "design" department decided it would look prettier if they moved everything around and changed the shade of green or something equally nonsense.

      I could go on, but I suspect it would be a good idea if I didn't - for the sake of my blood pressure, if nothing else.

      1. Paul Herber Silver badge

        In an outfit the size of MS I very much doubt that it is an intern determining any UI change like that. These changes go quite high up the committee feeding trough.

        1. Someone Else Silver badge

          Which just goes to show you what's in that trough...

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I trust M$ will refund all their Office 365 tenants their rent

    until this problem with their tenancy is solved.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    IIt's shit like this ..

    that makes it worthwhile having a managed support contract.

    Last year, I was working on a Kaseya administered estate. Due to a fuckup with their documentation*, a supposed update managed to install shed loads of crap on over 100 PCs.

    My first contact with their customer support was along the lines of "yes ... and at no extra cost".

    As I started to look at undoing the damage, it turned out that (a) they had no rollback (not quite what they told our IT director when he was researching) and each app would need a custom script.

    Luckily we had a managed service contract with their reseller, and (despite some protests) they did the 16+ hours worth of work to fix things).

  5. yetanotheraoc Silver badge

    Still using the desktop version means local account?

    "We do not know why the EmailAddress key is not being set properly,"

    Wrong question. Why is the EmailAddress key being set _at all_? If it has a value, which one presumes it did as of yesterday, just use it.

    My guess is MS is looking for the domain account -- this is 2022 after all. Not finding one, MS dutifully inserts the null email address.

    So that's like three logic errors in one bug. Good work.

  6. AlanSh

    It's different with multiple accounts

    I have 7 MS accounts. That regedit address has 7 entries under some weird entry (one starts with 453d96a9-eb0c-48c8-9f8f-a9b1...). So, I can see why they want it and I can see why it might crash if they don't have one. But it shouldn't CRASH - it should come up and ask for an email address (and maybe password) if the entry has disappeared.


    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: It's different with multiple accounts

      Well, you'd certainly think so. If its installed under a GUID, then its likely that some other process is supposed to assign the GUID and when Outlook tries to read that 'valid' (ha ha ha) GUID, it just isn't there. God, I have the registry...

      1. An_Old_Dog Silver badge

        Cure for the common Registry

        "God, I have the registry..."

        If you've been diagnosed as having a case of the Registry, your doctor can prescribe any of a number of alternative operating systems and apps to clear up your condition. You may experience some discomfort during the healing process, but the end result is well-worth it.

  7. mjgardner

    Magic 8 ball says, “Outlook not so good”

    I’ll ask it about Exchange Server next

  8. mjgardner

    Magic 8-ball says, “Outlook not so good”

    I’ll ask it about Exchange Server next

    1. Strahd Ivarius Silver badge

      Re: Magic 8-ball says, “Outlook not so good”

      Looks like you didn't get the mail you had already posted the same comment.

      So indeed Outlook not so good...

  9. sarusa Silver badge

    It's not surprising

    With a sprawling monstrosity that's accreted over decades like Outlook there is so much crap going on during the startup sequence (and I bet they don't fully understand what order everything is happening in) that it's no surprise at all that something is stepping on something else's toes.

    The crash is easy enough - it expects something in that registry directory, and it's not error checking that it found something before trying to read it, so boom *null reference error*.

    Now why is there nothing there? Somebody probably added some new cleanup / sanity checking code elsewhere that ends up wiping it, then It Works On My Machine (TM) so let's push it worldwide.

  10. Winkypop Silver badge

    Outlook to be renamed Lookout!

    Banned in this particular residence.

  11. JWLong Silver badge

    I Prefer to call It....

    Outhouse......because it's full of shit and it stinks.

    1. PeterM42

      Re: I Prefer to call It....

      "Outhouse......because it's full of shit and it stinks."

      WINNING COMMENT! - Go to the top of the MicroCRAP Class.

      2010 worked, but since then..............

  12. EduQuint

    Outlook problems


    I have had crashes in Outlook for a very long time.

    When I switched to the Office 365 Outlook version, it improved, but it just freezes sometimes without any apparent reason. I have to kill its process with task manager and restart it.

    Eduardo Quintana

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