back to article Financial exchange's efforts to replace core systems with blockchain founder – again

One of the world's most prominent and mission–critical uses of the blockchain - The Australian Securities Exchange's (ASX) project to replace its CHESS core trading systems with a distributed ledger – has struck further trouble. As The Register has previously noted, the project commenced in 2017 but saw its go-live date pushed …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    So the ASX stock exchange isn't trustable to record transactions on ASX?

    Do they plan on having voting? So if enough entities agrees a consensus blockchain record that is different from ASX's record, will those be able to overrule ASX?

    But then what if you have trading, but don't participate directly in the blockchain? Doesn't that mean, you cannot rely on ASX's transaction record because it could be overturned by blockchain consensus?

    And perhaps some of those blockchain entities would be foreign, Chinese even. So you're telling me it could be overturned and outside Aussie legal domain?

    And the privacy problem, you do a trade, and it's between the buyer, seller and the market. But stick it in a big shared blockchain and you're violating a mass of privacy laws around the world. Plus of course participating in the block chain lets you see everyone else hand, so it favors the people in the blockchain.

    Just cancel it already, dumb ass idea. Take away somebodies red stapler.

    1. yetanotheraoc Silver badge

      Re: Blockchain?

      When they said they needed a fresh set of eyes, they were hoping for someone a little less skeptical.

    2. Spazturtle Silver badge

      Re: Blockchain?

      "So if enough entities agrees a consensus blockchain record that is different from ASX's record, will those be able to overrule ASX"

      That's not how it works, in a 50%+1 attack the 50%+1 fork off the original blockchain, they don't take control of it.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Blockchain?

        Fork is not a valid thing here.

        Two forks cannot co-exist, one has to be the real transaction. If ASX will not yield to the majority then what is the point of the blockchain? It still comes down to "ASX's record is the definite record"!

        At the end of the day I, (not in either group) has to pick sides on which record is correct! Which price was real, which transactions were real!

        It's really dumber than that: THE BLOCKCHAIN IS NOT THE TRANSACTION. It's merely a RECORD of a REFERENCE to the transaction.

        ASX has to be trusted to map those blockchains REFERENCES to the actual mechanics performing the transaction! Those actual database updates, the actual external messaging, the last trade price updates, the day volumes, the share transfer orders, etc., those things don't happen by magic when the blockchain is updated.

        So ASX not trusted, yet has to still be trusted, because the transaction is not the blockchain record.

        The blockchain adding nothing but problems.

  2. Pascal Monett Silver badge


    Nice to see that somebody is trying to make something useful out of blockchain.

    Interesting to see that they're struggling.

    That might be because blockchain does not scale.

    Mine's the one with the SQL database that scales perfectly . . .

    1. Michael Wojcik Silver badge

      Re: Interesting

      There are plenty of good applications of Merkle trees already, like zfs and git. We really don't need good applications of blockchain, which is just a toy Merkle tree.

      As Bruce Schneier has pointed out, we already have plenty of algorithms for append-only ledgers. Blockchain isn't novel and isn't particularly interesting.

  3. sarusa Silver badge
    Thumb Down

    Not suited for task

    All these people trying to cram a round peg in a cthulhu shaped hole because it's the hot new thing and the market is flooded with scammy consultants.

    Like NFTs being a terrible solution for in-game problems that have been long solved better with other means, there are very few things a blockchain is actually needed for other than getting money thrown at you during funding rounds (this might not be the case any more).

    1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      Re: Not suited for task

      there are very few things a blockchain is actually needed for other than getting money thrown at you during funding rounds

      Funding rounds seem to be unnecessary for finding suckers in this game.

  4. Howard Sway Silver badge

    "a fresh set of eyes" is needed to reassess the project

    No, a fresh set of brains is needed to cancel it.

  5. Colin Bull 1

    doomed, doomed I say

    For a system to be tied with the Itanic in 2017 seems to be absurd. It was never going anywhere,

    1. Charlie Clark Silver badge

      Re: doomed, doomed I say

      But it can be virtualised and kept running. Just like all those old mainframes running mission critical Fortran stuff.

    2. druck Silver badge

      Re: doomed, doomed I say

      Combining an ancient language, a decrepit processor and a useless blockchain - what could go wrong?

      1. fajensen

        Re: doomed, doomed I say

        Who sold them that shit anyway? That's the kind of sales people I'd like on my team!

      2. Michael Wojcik Silver badge

        Re: doomed, doomed I say

        Combining an ancient language, a decrepit processor and a useless blockchain

        That's not what ASX are trying to do. They're taking a COBOL-on-Itanium application, which does not use blockchain, and trying to replace it with a new application that uses neither COBOL nor Itanium but does use a blockchain.

        It may be a daft plan,1 but it's not what you described.

        1Frankly, it's hard to see how a half-assed toy implementation of an append-only ledger is an improvement on the techniques that exchanges have been using for decades. Migrating the existing CHESS application off Itanium would be a good idea. Porting it to another language is a questionable one. Reimplementing it entirely using blockchain and DAML seems ludicrous.

  6. TheBorg

    I am sure Accenture can advise something, probably .... just make sure you're ready for a fat over inflated bill :)

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