So the ASX stock exchange isn't trustable to record transactions on ASX?
Do they plan on having voting? So if enough entities agrees a consensus blockchain record that is different from ASX's record, will those be able to overrule ASX?
But then what if you have trading, but don't participate directly in the blockchain? Doesn't that mean, you cannot rely on ASX's transaction record because it could be overturned by blockchain consensus?
And perhaps some of those blockchain entities would be foreign, Chinese even. So you're telling me it could be overturned and outside Aussie legal domain?
And the privacy problem, you do a trade, and it's between the buyer, seller and the market. But stick it in a big shared blockchain and you're violating a mass of privacy laws around the world. Plus of course participating in the block chain lets you see everyone else hand, so it favors the people in the blockchain.
Just cancel it already, dumb ass idea. Take away somebodies red stapler.