Lest we forget...
The theory of 'Man Made Climate Change' caused by CO2 is a MYTH, since CO2 is so *horrible* at being a greenhouse gas. GH gasses are supposed to stop black body radiation from leaving the planet+atmosphere at night (which is how the planet cools), thereby keeping the earth warmer. But CO2 only affects a TINY fraction of the IR energy. MOST of that energy is kept on the planet by WATER ("the other greenhouse gas"). Additionally CO2 is at equilibrium between rain, plants, and the temperature of large bodies of water. Hockey stick graphs that have tracked CO2 since 1958 and TRIED to claim the CO2 is causing the warming NOT ONLY fail to take into consideration that warmer water (from temp cycles and active volcanoes) RELEASES CO2, but MOST of the numbers since 1958 were apparently tracked at MAUNA LOA, an ACTIVE VOLCANO in Hawaii (and YES, volcanoes gas TREMENDOUS amounts of CO2, even from soil [for miles around them], with MOST of the world's carbon existing in the MANTLE, where LAVA comes from).
Still, energy/cost efficient air conditioning IS a good idea. If I owned the place I live in, I'd try to set up smart fans and dampers in the attic, trap heat when cold, ventilate when hot, use prevailing wind with rooftop spinners, things like that. I mean we ALL want to save MONEY, right? So WHY CAN'T "THEY" JUST SAY "LESS EXPENSIVE" INSTEAD???