The second paragraph
Is all you need to know.
Martin Shkreli, released from prison in May after serving much of his seven-year prison sentence for securities fraud, on Monday announced Druglike, described as "a Web3 drug discovery software platform." Web3 has been characterized by Tesla CEO and Twitter antagonist Elon Musk as "more marketing buzzword than reality right …
he didn't rot in prison.
He is a cunt of the highest order for this alone:
"He had raised the price of the anti-parasitic drug Daraprim (pyrimethamine) from $17.50 per tablet to $750 per tablet after acquiring the rights to the medication, and taken steps to prevent rival firms from making a generic version."
IANAL, but he's banned both from the pharmaceutical industry and the securities industry, and from serving as an officer or director of any publicly-traded company (per White's writeup). So it would seem to me that his relationship to this latest, er, venture must either be rather tenuous and temporary, or he'll be in violation of one court order or another.
So, presumably, he's here only for his terrific PR skills and popularity with the general public.
Personally, I would recommend running a mile and ensuring every last penny of your money goes nowhere near this convicted fraudster whatever junk he's pushing, but that's just me : unfortunately there are always going to be plenty of fools who are still willing to listen to him and get suckered in to his latest bullshit scheme, which he's launched a mere 2 months after finishing a long prison sentence for the last one.
Well, the scientific thing to do is wait for peer review before drawing any conclusions. I mean, it's theoretically possible that a fraudster could start by pushing something actually useful.
Obviously not in this particular case, since the utility of any combination of Shkreli and web3 can't possibly be non-zero. But in general.
"Eg, if it is published in a high-impact factor journal such as Nature" (Like his was..)
Zing. Maybe putting a bit of extra hot sauce on that one. We get it, your software does sort of the same thing, only as open source, and actually for free, and it exists in the real world, and multiple people agree with you that is does what it says on the tin. I mean the guy your throwing shade on is the literal and titular Pharma Bro, no need to swing for the fences..
I mean unless you're aiming for the back side of Shkreli's noggin I guess.
Yup, that was a nice nasty remark, wasn't it?
In my experience especially those two journals have a tendency to publish controversial stuff as well - it generates more articles ("comments on...." and "replies to ...") and tons of citations (beginning with the words "in contrast to the work done by....", driving up the impact factor). They also have a higher number of retracted publications than other journals, if I remember that correctly.
"There's no science in Nature and no nature in Science", as people put it.
Yes, both journals publish some really cool stuff, but there are also some less great articles (cold fusion, memory of water...) in there. It is a bit of a prestige thing to publish there (I know a bunch of people who did and still do publish there, but those are in my opinion often not the best articles they wrote).
Well, this is a US prison sentence. Except for non-violent drug offenders, serving half the assigned sentence is relatively long.
(Non-violent drug offenders need to be locked up for as long as possible, of course. And then denied any type of support when they get out. That's how we'll win the War On Drugs!)
Perhaps the condition of release for such criminals should be that for the next 20 years they always introduce themselves with the words "I am a convicted fraudster and you should not trust me with your money.".
Even then they'd probably get some takers but at least they couldn't say they hadn't been warned.
This is web3. He could dance in the street waving fistfuls of banknotes about shouting "this is a miniscule proportion of the money that suckers have invested in my worthless crap, and I'm going to pocket it all for myself" and still the millions would keep rolling in from even more suckers who still believe it's a one way ticket to riches involving no work.
Ok. this dickhead is a CO-founder, which means he's working with others... So who the heck thought starting a new company with Shkrelli (fresh out of prison) was a good idea? Or that having his name attached to the project would work out favourably?? Do they WANT to go to prison for being found accessory to fraud and/or other crimes?