Apple car
Rounded corners: check
Recharge twice a day: check
Obsolete within 2 years: check
Very expensive: check
Subscription services: check
Crammed full of high tech chips: oh wait!
Is Apple really getting into the automotive business? A joint investigation between Japanese financial publication Nikkei and Tokyo analytics company Intellectual Property Landscape found that Apple has filed patents – at least 248 of them – for everything from seats and windows to vehicle-to-everything (V2X) technology that …
> Rounded corners: check
**Checks date** Yep, it isn't 2008 anymore.
> Recharge twice a day: check
My iPhone 8 plus only needed charging twice a day after 3 years, at which point I replaced the battery, so a nightly charge was all that was required.
>Osolete within 2 years: check
I had my 8 plus for four years, and it was still receiving updates every few months. Could have kept it longer, but wanted to upgrade to a fancier, new phone. My Samsung tabbie stopped receiving updates after 2 years.
>Very expensive: check
Yep, they are. But I also don't have the time, nor can I be arsed, to fiddle with my phone or tech anymore. No more going into the settings like an excited teenager. I just want the stuff to work.
That was BR Derby research people having a bit of fun. It was supposed to be Fusion powered, never meant to be serious.
Was covered right here:
Excuse me, have you looked at how much stuff goes into a car? There are probably around 248 patents for the glove compartment alone!
There's no doubt that Apple wants more of the value chain but that's a very long way from building its own car. As for AI-driving, the competition now has years and millions of KM more data and is pushing ahead with driverless cars.
<pedant>Well, 248 patents is a "lot"; it's a judgement call on if it's a large lot, or a small lot....</pedant>
As for the second paragraph, that sounds an awful lot like the comments that were made when it was speculated that Apple would be making a phone. "There's no doubt that Apple wants to improve the iPod, but that's a very long way from building its own phone. They'd never stand a chance, Nokia and Motorola have decades more experience, and are pushing towards touch-screen functionality."
Wonder if the battery life will suddenly deteriorate for all the cars of a certain age for no apparent reason?
..and battery replacement will be eye wateringly expensive.
...and lets not talk about servicing which will only be available at an Apple Servicing Centre. Probably a couple of hundred miles from where you live.