Lets hope it
fucks off. Oh no, I said a bad word, does that mean I'll be arrested now under this shit law? On no, I did it again I called it a shit law.
Nadine is a fuck whit (ooo I did it there as well. The Register will have to start censoring). Several people, including MPs I believe, have pointed out to her, that the way she behaves on Tweeter, under her own new law, she'd be guilty herself.
"Fraudulent advertising will need to be tackled"
Thats YouTube dead then. The whole bill is a stupid fucking idea that is unworkable. All those big tech companies, that are mainly American, will pull out of the UK. If you don't like their practices, simply don't fucking use them.
I use Odysee as an alternative to YouTube as there is no censorship on it. And the dick parking fine company can't, falsely flag my video for removal on Odysee. However, YouTube is still easier to use, so when I can use adblock I use YouTube, but when I can't and my fav subbed content is only on YouTube I have to watch via that. My long winded point....the amount of scam adverts that come up before a video, the ones with the computer generated voice talking about a clearly bogus product, is shocking. I report them whenever I see them but fuck all is ever done. YouTube consistently blame AdSense for these, ignoring the fact they fucking own AdSense. It seems all they care about is profit. As long as that advert is paid for & they still get their cut everytime its played, they appear to not give a fuck.
But there is the question. Does the government now sue YouTube over this? Google (YouTube) has very deep pockets. They could also, to be spiteful say "It will be too costly for us to police this so we are pulling out of the UK market. The UK will no longer be allowed to visit YouTube.com".
And worse of all, we might be shut out of archive.org. a site that is so good and important, even very tight with money me, donated to it, granted it was only £5 but still.