Re: Idea
What would have to happen so we could have a high tech industry here?
Do we make anything or everything has already been outsourced so that we can pretend to be green and workers' friendly?
I've been musing this for the past few weeks and I've actually come to the conclusion that if the rest of the world wants the fabs, let them have them. Provided there is sufficient distribution of them to ensure supply I don't see an issue. Semis are high value compared to their size and weight so transporting them is a non issue.
OTOH fabs are incredibly capital intensive, employ comparatively few people and have fairly short life spans. Took some recent figures for cost of a fab and numbers employed and it worked out well over $3m per employee, if we assume 30% government subsidy as common in the West the taxpayer is forking out $1m per employee for a job that may last 10-15 years tops. Is that really a good deal?
Of course enormous value is created along the way but we know how good these companies are at moving their profits around so presumably little payback comes via that route. I freely admit I may be missing something but I can't see the point.