Same here
I made a proposal (pre sales) for a customer which involved improving redundancy by putting in some dark fibre, adding a couple of interfaces and changing their OSPF topology. It would have worked nicely. It then got handed off to an engineer for implementation..
Somewhere along the line, the engineers said to the customer, “hmm your routers might shit themselves with the extra load, you’ll need some new ASRs” Customer said ok. After a few months, I was brought back to sort out why things weren’t done yet. This is when I, and the bosses, found out that people had “promised” the customer new hardware.
Turns out ASRs were end of sale, and going end of software support next year (be buggered if I’m putting something internet facing out there without software support) and the replacement hardware, which curiously enough is called Catalyst 8500, has a 9 month lead time. Customer had a drop dead date of 30th June.
You can imagine the conversations that ensued after this one