back to article Microsoft plans to dig through your Edge Collections to make suggestions

Microsoft's Chromium-powered Edge browser will soon include an "Inspiration feed" among new features and changes that include tweaks to its Collections feature. Collections, a way to help Edge users collect webpages they're interested in viewing later, will soon allow you to add video and pictures, as well as to share …

  1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

    New feature

    It shows a puppy looking sad if you try and download Chrome and shoots it if you go to Brave or Vivaldi

    1. ShadowSystems

      Re: New feature

      Is there an icon for SatNad? Asking for a friend. *Cough* =-)p

  2. wolfetone Silver badge

    ""Cool, right?" said Microsoft corporate vice president Liat Ben-Zur."


    1. Someone Else Silver badge

      Beat me to it (by 15 minutes).

      Agree completely!

      1. Inventor of the Marmite Laser Silver badge

        And me.

        I'd only want to add "and piss off".

        1. yetanotheraoc Silver badge

          feed me!

          I logged into Windows to get some work done (thus no network). After a while Windows threw up a big blue window covering my actual work.

          Microsoft: "We could not access your feed. You may not be connected to the internet."

          Me: What's a feed? *And*: Why the f is Microsoft saving my feed on their computer instead of on mine? **And**: I'm glad I'm not connected to the internet.

    2. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

      "Cool, right?"

      He's either ex-Google, or been watching too many Google I/O presentations on YouTube.

  3. My-Handle

    Microsoft did not reveal how many users are using the Collections feature of Edge...

    both of them.

    1. Gene Cash Silver badge

      Re: Microsoft did not reveal how many users are using the Collections feature of Edge...

      Heck, this is the first I've even heard of it...

      1. Anonymous Coward

        Re: Microsoft did not reveal how many users are using the Collections feature of Edge...

        We need to all create a "collections" and save every ElReg comments page about M$ and Windoze.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Microsoft did not reveal how many users are using the Collections feature of Edge...

          I like your thinking, there.

          The only problem is I've never opened Edge, and if it does get opened by Bing search (even after doing everything to prevent it opening in the privacy settings), I immediately kill the process rather than even click the close icon, because I don't want Microsoft assuming their 'default' privacy opt-in. Whenever it opens, it opens like it has never been opened before and gets immediately killed, along with the five+ other processes it creates.

  4. Alumoi Silver badge

    Can you block it?

    Nuff said.

    1. Pascal Monett Silver badge

      Re: Can you block it?


      Use Brave or Firefox.

      1. Alumoi Silver badge

        Re: Can you block it?

        Except for those pesky government sites which a doctor must use (in my country) coded for Chrome only. Chrome, FFS!, not even Chromium.

        Funny enought, they work in MS Chrome, erm, sorry, Edge.

    2. Helcat Silver badge

      Re: Can you block it?

      Would be nice if you could block it from connecting to anything.

      Used to do this with IE: Make it my default browser, then block it at the firewall. Then if some malware did try opening a browser window (using the default being the common trick) it would open and sit there unable to connect. Even got a few warnings from IE that it couldn't connect. Told me I'd hit something dodgy (thanks, Google!) and saved me some pain.

      But that was back in the day, eh: When you could reliably block internet connections as MS didn't put back doors in or ways to bypass their own darn firewall...

    3. Benegesserict Cumbersomberbatch Silver badge

      Re: Can you block it?

      - Settings and more > Settings > Privacy, search, and services > Tracking prevention. Set Tracking prevention to On

      5th layer of cascading menus to find the right object, and then to enable an inhibitor (want to prevent a behaviour? Turn this on).

      Disingenuous to suggest they don't want you to find it, and if you do, not understand it?

      1. Alan Hope

        Re: Can you block it?

        Who wouldn't not want no tracking prevention?

        [abort] [retry] [ignore]

      2. Nick L

        Re: Can you block it?

        It's just next to the sign saying "beware of the leopard"...

  5. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    "it's sensible"

    And what's wrong with letting people search for what they want ?

    How about putting a bit of effort into your life ?

    All this spoon-feeding is just ensuring that Wall-E will finally be regarded as a documentary.

  6. JDPower666

    "Visual Search is also on the way, where you can search using an image"

    So, the same as Google image search has been doing for years?

    1. Dan 55 Silver badge

      And TinEye for longer.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Image search was great until the pinterest virus infected the internet.

      Now all you get in the search results are pinterest pictures rather than the original website they stole it from. So although you can see the picture, you can't find the content relevant to the picture, which is probably you actually wanted.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Pinterest reminds me of MySpace in that it is a horrible resource hog (on a PC anyway) and loads far, far too many things at once on their page. Maybe their core users have 32 Gig i7 machines and a gigabit connection, but I don't.

    3. Alumoi Silver badge

      Yes, but Bing is best for porn.

      1. parlei

        Isn't that the reason for Firefox Focus? No tracking and a convenient "what, no I was just checking my email" button.

  7. Andy Non Silver badge

    "How does Inspiration work?

    "Well, if you add "research" regarding motorcycle museums in East Germany into your Collections flow, for example, Edge's Inspiration feed will suggest related content for you to check out like any recommendation engine might."

    So it will no doubt think you are also interested in New York Taxi cabs and Amish horse drawn carts.

    1. Alumoi Silver badge

      Re: "How does Inspiration work?

      Amish = Switzerland, so close enough and cabs have motors. Here you go! Motors from Germany!

    2. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge

      Re: "How does Inspiration work?

      Hotels and flights is what they want to sell to you /get commission on

  8. MJI Silver badge

    I used it once

    To download firefox

  9. Garry Perez

    Does anyone actually use this shit?

    1. Lorribot

      Free choice is a wonderful thing

      When did Google ever do a new feature in Chrome that benefited the user rather than Google coffers or allowed them to influence or control the internet?

      Half of MS patches these days are Chromium Bug fixes.

      I don't understand why so many people (The register included) need to express their displeasure at Microsoft and their products.

      If you don't like them just use something else, you're free to give your data to whom ever you wish so they can sell it back to you whether you choose Chromebooks, Linux Mac, Android or whatever as your OS its your choice, as for browsers, find one that works for you and use it, get on with your life and be happy you still get the chance to choose as monoculture is really bad.

      1. My-Handle

        Re: Free choice is a wonderful thing

        If you don't like them just use something else

        Oh, we do. Frequently. We just get a little ticked off when Microsoft decides to try and change our mind for us and begins opening up Edge of it's own accord, regardless of the default browser.

        My favourite is when I open up the Start menu and type the first few letters of the application I want and then hit return. Except I fat-finger a key, and suddenly Windows decides to open up a Bing search for "Excek" in Edge, rather than in the default Firefox.

      2. Charlie Clark Silver badge

        Re: Free choice is a wonderful thing

        Once Microsoft gave up their own browser, why did they decide they needed another? If it was about the user, there were already sufficient choices. Edge is all about Microsoft getting back into the advertising game using its dominance in the consumer PC to do so.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Free choice is a wonderful thing

          " Edge is all about Microsoft getting back into the advertising game using its dominance in the consumer PC to do so."

          No it isn't. Microsoft aren't going to climb that mountain successfully, and they know it.

          Edge (and Microsoft 365) are, at least right not, about Microsoft maintaining dominance on business, corporate and education devices and poking Google (and Chrome) in the eye with a very sharp stick. How do I know this? See that little 'sign in' option (and the 'sync' option) in the top-right corner of Edge? What does that sign the little corporate drones *into*, especially compared to Chrome? There's a lightbulb moment for you... and there's also why Edge is a Chromium browser and not one based on another engine...

          Also: everyone rags on Edge yet fifty million percent of the interwebs uses Chrome, and they are basically the same toy, just tweaked to use their own cloud signins. Go figure.


          1. Charlie Clark Silver badge

            Re: Free choice is a wonderful thing

            See that little 'sign in' option (and the 'sync' option) in the top-right corner of Edge?

            No, because I don't use it and I personlly don't know any companies that have made it their standard browser. That's either Goolge Chrome or Firefox ESR.

            Microsoft is force-feeding lockin to Microsoft 365 but, for companies at least, Edge isn't the tool to do it. There's much deeper integration using Azure Active Directory when log on to the machine.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Edge is the standard mandated at Ork, apparently

  10. Mishak Silver badge

    Enough already

    Stop wasting my time showing me "stuff you might be interested in". I know what I want, so leave me alone!

    I'm also really bored with the way these "insights" are becoming more and more ingrained in Outlook and the like. I really don't care what Bob in accounts is doing or want to now that I'm doing better at dealing with my emails this week.

    1. yetanotheraoc Silver badge

      Re: Enough already

      `Stop wasting my time showing me "stuff you might be interested in".`

      Hang on, that's El Reg's business model.

  11. Il'Geller

    Textual search..

  12. Ball boy Silver badge

    Wouldn't it be better if all 'upgrades' like this were opt-in rather than opt-out?

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Monetisation 101 in action.

    I should practise what I preach and ditch certain other systems doing same.

  14. firu toddo


    Now I understand how searching for tractors gets you Porn.....

    1. Wellyboot Silver badge

      Re: Tractors?

      If hovering over a link activates it then that won't help either.

      Though it could be a valid excuse "I was distracted and when I looked back, This was on the screen!"

      Expect to see 'Buy Now' buttons become far more prominent

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    My Windows 10 ritual

    1) Install Windows

    2) Update Windows (etc)

    3) Install Chrome

    4) Kill Edge (don't forget it's open by default settings too)

    5) Remove taskbar icons for edge, MS Store and Mail

    Must have deployed over 300 machines like that.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: My Windows 10 ritual

      "Windows 10, install Chrome, kill Edge".

      300 machines and no mention of whether an Office 365 or Google Workspace organisation, though?. If the former (or neither), someone here isn't paying attention properly...


  16. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    a way to help Edge users collect webpages

    plain English: a way to help Edge collect users webpages


    wait, this is called... 'history', right?! And... 'favourites'?

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