Alright nerds, that's 30 years in which to come up with a way to drop this thing on Slough...
City-killing asteroid won't hit Earth in 2052 after all
An asteroid predicted to hit Earth in 2052 has, for now, been removed from the European Space Agency's list of rocks to be worried about. Asteroid 2021 QM1 was described by ESA as "the riskiest asteroid known to humankind," at least among asteroids discovered in the past year. QM1 was spotted in August 2021 by Arizona-based …
Wednesday 29th June 2022 18:34 GMT ShadowSystems
Hey! No fair!
I called dibbs on having it land on Washington DC so it could potentially wipe out that hive of scum & villany. Failing that, wiping out Los Angeles, California would have the result of turning the MPAA & RIAA into smoking glassy craters, so that's got to count in it's favour, right?
/s? *Cough*
Wednesday 29th June 2022 23:00 GMT Fruit and Nutcase
Re: Aim it
Liz Hurley used to be there
“Hampshire is a lovely county and I have good memories of Basingstoke. I went to Kempshott Infant School followed by Kempshott Junior School and then the Harriet Costello School, which sounds frightfully grand."
Thursday 30th June 2022 14:40 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: Fair play to the asteroid
Someone was selling Russian nuclear missile launch keys on Ebay at one point. I'm not sure they would even have the keys to launch the things if they tried.
At the gun shows here in the US there was always a booth or two with a few shady looking Russian guys selling all kinds of cool military hardware (night vision stuff, etc.). It was all supposed to be "surplus". I guess we all know where it was really coming from now. Just as well for the Ukrainians that so much stuff was sold out the back door, as they say...
Thursday 30th June 2022 23:28 GMT John Brown (no body)
Re: Fair play to the asteroid
FWIW, much Russian military "surplus" comes via conscripts. They get paid a pittance and have to pay for their "accommodation" which is often very, very poor. It's been suggested that was the reason for the stalled convoy heading for Kyiv. They sold the fuel and spares.
Thursday 30th June 2022 13:39 GMT David 132
Obligatory Pratchett quote…
‘Ye gods,' he said, under his breath. ‘The Mayor of Quirm has been struck by a meteorite . . . again.'
'Can that happen?' said Sacharissa.
'Apparently. This is from Mr Pune at the council offices there. Sensible chap, not much imagination. He says that this time it was waiting for the mayor in an alley…'