Of Saints and Sinners, Future Angels and Current Daemons will there be No Guilty Trace
What is the problem, and who has it, whenever certain secrets are too expensive to keep and liable to 0day export/import for remote customer clients/agencies tapping into fail-safe secure ransomware-on-demand honey pots from impossible to encrypt to preserve federal reserve type vaults/pan national treasuries ‽ .
Private Mercenary/Public Piracy Trends are Valid Viable Valuable Going Concerns Not To Be Trifled With. Take Care Out There. IT’s an Almightily Mined Mind Field not Programmed either for or with Prisoner Wastrels/Dead Wood/Nodding Donkeys/Wannabe Tsars and Cardboard Caesars/Renegade Rogues and Jolly Rogering Misfits.
And a Postmodern Eton Mess .... Just Desserts for a Self Chosen Few ‽ Hmmm? Now there's a Ponder to Wonder on and Decide to Declassify as Errant Nonsense rather than ..... well, take your pick ..... Confirm and Classify Top Secret Convenient or Inconvenient Fact :-)