Re: How the heck can you create standards
Smartphones use a plethora of standards. All the various telephony ones for a start, then there are the Internet ones, multiple security ones and each smartphone OS adds in its own, including UI and standard APIs for accessing the phone's hardware.
The metaverse will need a lot of standards too. How does your client interact with the host, how does your avatar move from one host to another, what's the metadata and data associated with an avatar that needs to go with it, what's the difference between an avatar and a user, what's the difference between a corporate user, a corporation and an individual, what's the standard for making secure payments, what's the standard for transferring purchased assets to other hosts or to other avatars.. I'll stop there, but I could keep going.
Will the committee created standards be useful and survive? Some will, some won't, but the ones that don't will, by failing, inform their replacements which then have a chance of meeting the needs of the hardware, software, media and digital asset creators, and the people using all of that.