Re: This is what US Progressives want
Disney boycotts, ie choosing to not spend moeny on Disney stuff, is how the right would do it. Burning Disney to the ground and attacking the guy in the Mickey Mouse costume with a ball bat is how the left would do it.
Book burnings - more of a religious thing than a right wing thing. I'm a right winger and have never burned a book for its content, nor have I ever advocated doing so. I in fact own quite a few of those books, and records for that matter.
Lynchings were more of a left wing thing as the KKK started life as the Democratic Party enforcement arm. They have their own reasons for supporting right wing politicians, but I neither know nor care what those reasons are. Were I running for office I would make an announcement that I don't welcome their votes or donations, and I'd rather lose the election than win with their support. Course, I'm not a politician. Lefist politicians would have no problem taking Klan money as long as it didn't come out. Gays would again be the religious fanatics. True, they tend to be right wingers, but their motivation comes from religion, not their politics. The same people did the same things when they were Democrats, and the only reason the religious switched parties was the Democratic party declared war on Christianity.
Not sure what HUAC is, but the Red Scare was right for its time. Was it correct? Probably not, but arnchair quarterbacking is easy. I'm sure people were thinking differently on the front side of that mess.
Censorship of covid? That isn't a left vs right thing. Once again I'm as right wing American as we come, and as soon as I was eligible to be vaccinated both the wife and I had our shots, then later our boosters. Some of my leftist relatives tried to talk us out of it, but they aren't talking to anyone anymore.
You should really try to get a more balanced view of the world by looking for more balanced news sources.