Re: "Standard of living" wages...
"So, by your logic, people should quit working at "crap" jobs, and get into a more profitable position. What happens when everyone does that?"
People get richer. I am serious, that is how it works and people get richer. Thats why there has been a lift out of absolute poverty in the west, China lifted many out of absolute poverty and why we can continue to get richer without it being at the expense of others.
"We already have restaurants that close at 3PM, or are only open on alternate days, because they cannot keep enough staff to stay open."
And? If your making a comment on how destructive the lockdown policies were and the economic damage caused by covid and the overreaction to it thats fine but thats government killing jobs.
"Will you be one of the ones yelling at the lone teen behind the counter at Burger King to hurry up and make your burger, because everyone else left to get a better job?"
Why would I shout at a teenager doing a job? Someone who got up to work to gain working experience and earning money? I will point out that while not due to a labour shortage but due to the demands for higher minimum wages there are automated burger making machines and increasing automation in the industry because increased minimum wage will put those kids out of a job.