Beware dragons
but also when we see attacks on democracy more broadly. We now have very significant commitments to reduce the impact of disinformation online
"Disinformation is a form of invasion of our digital space, with tangible impact on our daily lives…Spreading disinformation should not bring a single euro to anyone. To be credible, the new Code of Practice will be backed up by the DSA - including for heavy dissuasive sanctions. Very large platforms that repeatedly break the Code and do not carry out risk mitigation measures properly risk fines of up to 6 [per cent] of their global turnover," he said.
The biggest issue here is who gets to define what is fact and what is not.
A recent EU fake news was when the EU triggered article 16 of the Brexit deal because they thought cv19 vaccines where being sent from Republic of Ireland to Northern Ireland.
That turned out to be fake news yet they reacted quickly and unilaterally to enact draconian measure.
Another classic tail would be when Bush decided he wanted to finish the job his daddy started and persuaded Blair that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. The UN looked many times and didn’t find any, so the US and UK invaded anyway and still didn’t find any wmd’s even after Sadaam was disposed and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi’s where killed.
Millions of people marched in London to oppose the invasion yet it still went ahead.
The UK and US governments issued the fake news.