MS has already implemented elements of autobork to a fashion, with staged rollouts of patches clearly serving as a way to beta-test without exposing the entire population at once.
From a policy perspective; enterprise W10 in our case a has countdown timer on when one must reboot to apply an update. This gives 24 to 48 hrs notice, which seems a reasonable compromise for rolling out patches the enterprise has decided it wants to apply. (With the odd exception where I need to run a really long numerical analysis job).
It is less reasonable for "Personal" devices that you do not have the choice over what is being applied or not.
Both the terms "personal" and "reasonable" have been forgotten in the Windows consumer space. I'm sure I'm not the only one to express concerns of "where are the next programmers coming from" on our highly locked-down autoconfiguring boxen?
For personal machines, Linux obviously has the advantage of freedom of choice - the likes of Manjaro and it's package managers can recommend updates; or you can choose to blacklist. But that level of functionality isn't particularly great in an enterprise where you want to get multiple machines patched to same standard on a schedule.
Somewhere between the two paradigms is a reasonable and effective approach to be had. I know of no solution, commercial or otherwise that manages to deliver well on both fronts.