This is what late stage Elon looks like
It seems moving to Texas was the beginning of the final slide into Howard Hughes territory. Weirdly, watching him melt down just reminds me of Brittney spears crying in a car surrounded by a mob of photographers. But Elon is Elon, so he will keep getting hit with the techbro bat, even though treating a female popstar the same way is no linger fashionable.
Will we sit back and laugh as he spirals out of control? The world happily ate Amy Winehouse alive, mocking her at the end while her managers milked the spectacle to the bitter end. If Elon starts stumbling around and falling off stages, will we just troll him too?
If any of you are wondering where this is coming from, I work at place with a mandatory reporter policy in place. If Musk was a teenager, a counselor would be talking to his family right now. We have seen how this goes, over and over, and without some support from the outside the outcomes trend dark.
Maybe it's walking around the house in Kleenex boxes, maybe self-harm, maybe he parks a rocket in the middle of a school.
He's not nearly that far gone at this point, but is that a reason to wait?
and what does it say about us if we see whats happening and decide stand back and watch?