back to article Cisco dials back on hiring, cool winds blow through economy

Networking kingpin Cisco is hiring more cautiously to indicate that it, like many peers, is taking note of macroeconomic red flags. "It's a time to be prudent," Richard Scott Herren, Cisco senior veep and chief financial officer told the Nasdaq Investor Conference. "I think it is a time for everyone to be prudent… so we're …

  1. elsergiovolador Silver badge


    So these big corporations talk billions here billions there

    Then you look at the salaries at these corporations and can't help but think that their workers are mugs.

    1. ecofeco Silver badge

      Re: Pennies

      Because they are.

      What's the old saying? Why do the rich take advantage of others? Because they can.

      It has two meanings.

  2. ecofeco Silver badge

    Everyone's got the heebie jeebies

    It seems as if the high and mighty are trying to create a recession.

    Could it be they don't like workers being in control for the first time in 50 years?

    Naw, couldn't be. /s

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