How did they solve a problem that if such battery catches fire, it is next to impossible to put out and then you get all the toxic smoke to deal with?
Japanese automaker Toyota has become the latest car company to repurpose its electric vehicle batteries for home energy storage. The O-Uchi Kyuden System, which is on presale now and will roll out in August in Japan only, mainly consists of a trunk-sized battery and two-way vehicle charger. O-Uchi Kyuden is also able to store …
Each battery has a lot of electronics, aka. Telemetry measuring the health (charge/internal resistance) and temperature of each cell, with the ability to flag errors and remove defect cells from the overall battery. Like anything that is potentially flammable, you have to work with the product you have, in terms of safety, and mitigate the risk.
Let's not ignore the elephant in the room regards your comment, petrol is far more volatile and explosive than any lithium cell, if handled incorrectly.
Hate to be a pedant, but the main issue with Lithium battery fires is putting them out.
Yes petrol/diesel etc catches fire well, but fire crews can put it out and keep it out. Lithium is a pig to put out, and there's every chance it can re-light itself hours later.
I remember a Tesla catching fire after a wreck in LA not too long ago, after being extinguished it re-lit several more times in the junk yard.
Did not see the Tesla re-ignition thing. Perhaps if you squash LiON batteries at 50Mph it might take damage that should be handled differently. A bunch of batteries in a shed in the back yard is not as likely to sponaneously catch fire, or cause as much damage if it does.