Many comments erode into the Trumpian view of CHINER...
It has already been estimated that any chips that are Fabbed in the USA will cost 2x anyplace else except the UK where it will be 5x. With the gov handouts, there is an awful lot of cheering and euphoria. At last count, the US was building FAB Plants on the order of Burger King Franchies. Some 30 fab plants are proposed. Ohio is running articles in local papers claiming the average salaries will be $135K at the OHIO PLANTS... Ohio to be the EPICENTER of FAB in the WORLD.
As I have said many times OHIO is a long long way from Santa Clara... as sung to the tune... Its a long long way from Tipperary]
These plants were proposed for POLITICAL REASONS... How many times do you have to repeat this? Obama Battery Factories... not one factory built not one battery made. Solar panels are the same gig... China has 98% of the solar panel business because the panels cannot be made in the USA cost-effectively...Yet all the wonderment of gov subsidies, tax credits, which never work are the first thing Politicians reach for. THEY ARE NOT BUYING CHIP PLANTS, they are buying VOTEs.
This is a BUST.
That brings me to the knee-jerk Trumper big brian comments. They claim CHINER can't run the TSMC if they were to take over the plant due to ASML, Zeiss, and other agents required to make and use the devices. I have news for you, China makes all the washes and reagents for these processes. They make their own ion implanters and quite frankly betting against CHINER has been about as good a bet as betting for Trump's businesses which sooner or later go bankrupt.
46% of the population of Taiwan identify as Mainlanders. They get really uncomfortable when they get the impression the US wants to turn them into the next South Vietnam. China could take Taiwan by force but they don't need to. The more the US meddles the more the islanders think they better make a deal with CHINER...
Suppose CHINER were to destroy the TSCM company by bombing it into dust. The US would then have ZERO interest in Taiwan. Want to see the fastest conversation to the RED HAIRED STEP CHILD watch what happens if CHINER destroyed the FAB PLANTS. THE US isn't there for some altruistic purpose. THE US didn't burn the middle east to the ground for IRAQI FREEDOM... BUSH II: "You threatened by Daddy!" Weapons of Mass Destruction and the UK gets sucked into the vortex every bloody time.
THE US can't decouple. China is the Engine and the US is the CABOOSE. The fastest way to kill the US Semiconductor business is to decouple with the world's largest global buyer. Why would CHINER or anybody want to buy FAB CHIPS that could be sanctioned at a whim? Trump tried that with ANDROID. All he did was cut Google's throat. Trump didn't know Android was open source. Now Huawei has HARMONY and google services have been replaced by Homegrown services.
GIVE IT A BLOODY REST. The idea that the US can take a sophisticated industry like Semiconductors which by its nature is a division of labor and can assert control over private companies of the world claiming some form of IP RIGHTs means the US will eventually be shut out. The US control over ASML is not going to work for ASML or the Dutch. Blocking Zeiss just means you will have to block Cannon too and China already makes precision lenses. So Cannon might ask how do they fit in the US SCHEME... They don't. The US will continue to lose market share because Asia all of it, is not going to risk some kind of crazy sanctions on their phones or consumer electronics that could be sanctioned. They aren't going to use US technology. And if the US is so high on the pyramid of technology why didn't they invest in EUV and build their own machinery?
I know I won't penetrate the thickness of a Trumper. They are myopic morons and they are here talking their trash about CHINER and they have never been there. My God...
Every time the US sends its fat politicians to Taiwan, the Taiwanese cringe. They do not want to become the US's next South Vietnam. The more you play this silly Nancy Kerrigan Kneecapping foreign policy lunacy, the more the people of Taiwan want a settlement with CHINA's mainland. And the Mainland Chinese know this and play it up big. When you are dealing with CHINA, you are dealing with smart people, not Trumpers. You play checker, Chinese play GO.
Last week it was revealed to the Trumpers and old Neocon liberals and Bush Strain RINOs that the Commerce Department is giving exemption to China for virtually any and all US technology. They tell the retroactive dopes one thing and they do the opposite because they know, they are the Caboose in a decoupling with Asia.
Let me give you a TRUMPER BIDEN COMBO... Remember Trump's trade war? Tariffs, sanctions that destroyed the US Farmer... That according to the NEOCONS was a Brilliant Trump Negotiation Tool. Trump claimed tariffs would even the trade deficit... WRONG. Aside from the fact a Trade deficit is a function of SAVINGS NOT TRADE was a concept too abstract for trumpers or union-loving Joe Biden. It is simple. Americans save less than 1% of their incomes and the Chinese save 34%.
So how did that work out? Post Trump Tariffs, the CHINER USA Trade deficit TRIPLED and is still rising. And Tariffs in the USA are tax-deductible business expenses so they did not produce the great billions Trump still claims. They are revenue neutral. But the Gov sorting and warehousing of imported goods from China is a bureaucratic balloon of spending. So no matter how you look at it... the policy is a massive failure and head soaking. Astonishingly Biden clings to it and now you have double-digit inflation. Chips shortages, and a destroyed supply chain. Sorry but the Government got you here and they are not going to be pulling you out of the ditch with more gov spending.
THE US and UK populist rhetoric has captured the intellectual bottom rung; they are destroying you and your markets. NO foreign investment in the US at present. Your stock exchanges have become Xenophobic and in the last six months, Hong Kong has $58 billion in new IPO while the US is flatlining. Europe would do well to decouple from the US and UK.
AS FOR WAR which trumpers want. They want CIVIL war in the US and of course global wars and war with CHINER... I have no idea who is going to fight these wars. China can field an army of 760 million. Do you think GenXers are going to go into that meat chopper?
“You can kill ten of my men for every one I kill of yours. But even at those odds, you will lose and I will win.” —Viet Minh leader Ho Chi Minh in a warning to French colonialists in 1946.
And Trumpers and old Neocons.. the US never attacks any country with Nukes or hadn't you noticed? Chiner has hypersonics and 5G which you don't have. Hypersonic nukes would have no trouble penetrating US defences. A Nuke war comes home to America with cities of fused glass. So big talk shows a small brain.