Re: Illusion
"The plus side is that there is always going to be someone reading or watching your content."
Only if you trip some sort of alarm. With a population of around sixty seven million (UK, France), do you really think somebody somewhere is going to read your messages and look at your photos? It'll be a machine, some shitty AI that can't tell the difference between a petunia and a naked child. You'll only be "of interest" if you're flagged. And even then, what? Look how many terrorists are "known to the authorities", who did bugger all until loads of people got killed, by which point it's kinda far too late.
The bigger problem is not the government surveillance.
No, the bigger problem is shadowy AI making bullshit conclusions (did you Google anything medical recently?) which could be passed on to things like health insurers, if they pay the right money.
I look up various medicines if I spot the packets at work (usually in the bin). Tramadol, yes. Dothiepin, yes. Chlorpromazine, yes. And comically, one of my colleagues freaking out over finding a bunch of big white pills that said "FF"...until I Googled a picture of Fishermen's Friends. So...god only knows what "the system" makes of me. And since this stuff is analysed, collated, collected, and sold without us knowing what, how, or to whom.... that right there is the problem.
I don't fear my government. I don't live in the US, so I know my government has procedures that it is supposed to follow.
I fear the likes of Google. And Apple. These big tech firms that don't think they need to answer to us, governments, laws, democracy, or the Inland Revenue...
PS: I'd love to have a handler from the Home Office. Just the right person to tell exactly what I think of the void of humanity that is Patel. As frequently as possible.