back to article All-AMD US Frontier supercomputer ousts Japan's Fugaku as No. 1 in Top500

The land of the rising sun has fallen to the United States’ supercomputing might. Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s (ORNL) newly minted Frontier supercomputer has ousted Japan’s Arm-based Fugaku for the top spot on the Top500 rankings of the world's most-powerful publicly known systems. Frontier’s lead over Japan’s A64X-based …

  1. PhilipN Silver badge

    So powerful it can predict the future?

    Top 500 list says "published June 1, 2022 in Hamburg. Germany".

    I am impressed.

    Or were they running W11 on a Dell?

    1. diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

      Re: So powerful it can predict the future?

      The Top500 results are usually updated in November and June annually. Due to way dates have fallen this year, the June 2022 results are technically out on May 30.

      Yes, I'm this fun at parties.


      1. b0llchit Silver badge

        Re: So powerful it can predict the future?

        Yes, I'm this fun at parties.

        Was that a calculated response?


        1. ITMA Silver badge

          Re: So powerful it can predict the future?

          No - I confiscated his abacus yesterday...

      2. PhilipN Silver badge

        Re: So powerful it can predict the future?

        That's OK. After I posted I realised MAD Magazine was usually a couple of months ahead.

  2. Tubz Silver badge

    can it play Crysis at usable FPS?

    1. UKAussieP

      "can it play Crysis at usable FPS?"

      Probably. But it still may not meet the required hardware requirements to run Windows 11 !

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    20 years

    Looking at history, in about 20 years we'll have this power in desktops. Windows 15 looks like being a real CPU hog.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: 20 years

      In the early 90s I used a Cray YMP (only one outside the USA) that wiki says could do over 2GFlops !

      My GPU can apparently do 20 TFLops double precision = the only thing the Cray could do, or 650 TFlops float16

      Even my Pi4 can apparently do 10x the 30 year old Cray

  4. Antron Argaiv Silver badge

    It has its own webpage

    (and, more importantly, spiffy graphic design)

  5. StargateSg7

    Sorry Folks but the T500 list is WRONG WRONG WRONG !!!!

    We are a completely under-the-radar all-Canadian Aerospace company that designs and builds its own super-chip intellectual property all in-house at our main warehouse facility in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Our "Haida Gwaii" supercomputer located in an underground facility within an East Vancouver neighbourhood is 119 ExaFLOPS sustained at 128 bits wide using High-Current GaAs combined-CPU/GPU/DSP chips each running at 60 GHz clock speed. The "Haida Gwaii" system in Vancouver has 262,144 processors (2^17th) running at around 40 Megawatts power consumption at full load (150 watts per chip).

    This already waaaaaaaaaaaay outclasses everything else on the T500 list except our Northern BC Data Centre which is split into two systems now named "ThunderHorse" and "DragonSlayer".

    Our two Northern British Columbia supercomputer systems have fully opto-electronic 2 THz 50 PetaFLOPs at 128-bits wide on each chip with now 20 Million CPUs installed or 1,000,000,000‬ PetaFLOPS or over a YottaFLOP. When fully scaled out, we will eventually have have HUNDREDS of YottaFLOPS. (i.e. we are at 20 million square feet of space inside of a mountain and getting larger next year!) Each optical processor needs only 8 watts each and requires 160 megawatts total power consumption for the combined "ThunderHorse" and "DragonSlayer" supercomputer systems.

    For sucking all that heat away from the super-chips, we use Silicone Oil Direct Immersion Cooling on all motherboards which transports and dumps all that heat into very large underground fresh water swimming pools which our employees use daily as part of their rest and recreation at the Northern BC site and at our Vancouver, BC site. We try to prevent heat-island effects so the water pools then emit heat via churned water surface to air convection which is also circulated into the surrounding deeper rock via metal tubes drilled and buried into the rock itself.

    We are running full electro-chemical simulations (K, P, Na, Ca gating/uptake) of synthetic neurons that self-organize using physics-based rules emulated at the molecular level. Basically, a WBE (Whole Brain Emulation) --- It works very well I should add!

    Again, our supercomputer systems are the fastest and most powerful in the world and we are also THE WORLD'S LARGEST MANUFACTURER of CPU/GPU/DSP chips and the largest manufacturer of SRAM and DRAM chips and also the LARGEST manufacturer of SSD drives in the world! We obliterate Intel, AMD, Samsung, NEC, Micron, IBM, Global Foundries, TSMC, etc. in terms of total chips manufactured and in terms of their total rated computational horsepower!

    We are Numero Uno in Supercomputers In The Entire World --- Number One --- We Win !!!

    YAY Canada !!!!


    1. luis river

      Alert pal

      I am super sure. Pentagon guys they had secret supercompunters running about Thz. speed clock, yes these are true top supercomputers. !!!

    2. Peter Gathercole Silver badge

      Misunderstood the fundamental concept of the Top 500 list

      Ah. But that is where you made your mistake. the Top 500 is only the *known* systems.

      If you choose to remain under the covers (at least, not submitting your results to the list maintainers), then you'll never be #1. Or anywhere on the list, really.

      Even if you exist!

      Is "Gwaii Haanas" a reserved section of your system for wildlife research, by any chance?

      1. StargateSg7

        Re: Misunderstood the fundamental concept of the Top 500 list

        "Haida Gwaii" does advanced synthetic materials research using a Whole Brain Emulation (WBE) that expensively and kinda wastefully creates a few "emulated instances" of 160 IQ level scientists that "collaborate" on composite materials research in Boron Nitride, Carbon and Boron Nanotube, Graphene and various allotropes of Diamond and even synthetic Spider Silks and Aramid fibres used for common consumer and industrial goods. We're trying to create NEW super-strong and ultra lightweight materials that are ALSO easy and CHEAP to manufacture for automotive, aerospace and consumer goods manufacturing!

        It only takes FOUR EXAFLOPS at 128-bits wide to do a "Functional Emulation" of human neural tissue simulation and about 55 ExaFLOPS to do a true molecular-scale electro-chemical interaction simulation which is more precise but slower than a functional emulation.

        Once "ThunderHorse" and "DragonSlayer" scale-out to full size at hundreds of 128-bit wide YottaFLOPS-scales ...ONLY THEN.... can we do a true atomic-scale binding-simulation which will TRULY FIND OUT if quantum mechanics has ANY actuality in human memory and thought processes! This will TRULY bring out a proper simulation of outside environmental interaction, consciousness, self-awareness and emotion as we will literally be GROWING a new synthetic human from synthetic DNA to post-Ph.D-level maturity in only a matter of one to four years teaching it 24/7/365 every major subject known. It will TRULY BE a Super-Intelligence FAR SURPASSING us humans in reasoning and research ability!

        That fact that we can do this SEEMS to pre-suppose that this Universe is PROBABLY a Holographic Simulation in itself and that we are merely creating NESTED versions of "Artificial Intelligences" similar to what the 1999 movie "The Matrix" is all about! When you see an arm pop out of your monitor giving you a whack on he side of the head, me thinks you will suddenly find out that YUP that really ISN'T air you're breathing but merely a SIMULATION of what breathing and "existing" might be like for an upper-level being!


    3. Korev Silver badge

      I've just searched for Haida Gwaii supercomputer and it only seems to bring back references to your posts in these forums; do you have more information?

      1. StargateSg7

        Haida Gwaii, ThunderHorse and DragonSlayer are all INTERNAL NAMES for our supercomputers. Our anonymous corporate Nom-de-Plume 'North Canadian Aerospace" only showcases our Open Source Disclosure of a 16K resolution super-camera and multi-spectral super imaging chip that we designed completely in-house and then gave away. There's an online PDF file and various JPEG images of the pages you can see at any time for the camera and imaging chip so look for that 'North Canadian Aerospace" name in Google or DuckDuckGo.

        You won't find ANYTHING specific about us online. We are a completely UNDER THE RADAR all-Canadian aerospace company! When we are finished our current set of highly-specific research tasks, we will then disclose everything else under the sun we have (i.e. our reversible-consumptive-process cathode/anode Aluminum-Sulfur batteries with 8x the energy density of Lithium-Ion per litre of volume) and that fancy 148,000 lbs SSTO craft which we keep hidden at YVR!


    4. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Know southern BC well, there is something in the water..

      If you thought LA people were crazy let me tell you about some of the truly odd people who live in BC..

      Plus you have all heard of cabin fever. Its been a long long winter in the Pacific NorthWest

      Might I suggest a nice boat trip up the Inside Passage. It should be very pretty this time of year.

      Although I might add, I have never really trusted BC Hydro. The only electric utility that ever had negative electricity prices.

      1. EVP

        Re: Know southern BC well, there is something in the water..

        ” Although I might add, I have never really trusted BC Hydro. The only electric utility that ever had negative electricity prices.”

        I’d fully trust an utility with negative prices. Where can subcribe to BC Hydro?

        1. StargateSg7

          Re: Know southern BC well, there is something in the water..

          We don't use BC Hydro anymore. We use a cultured cyanobacteria sludge, iron oxide catalyst and salt precipitate binding and conversion process of seawater piped in from coastal regions which converts that combination directly into Pure Methanol which then is pumped into a Nano-Perforated Ceramic Plate Proton Exchange (NPCPPE) fuel cell array that creates 40 Megawatts for our Vancouver data centre and 160 watts for our Northern BC data centre.

          Its a very quiet power production system and the Silicone Oil direct immersion of all our motherboards also provides extra heat for the onsite living and recreation facilities. It's quite a system. We will also disclose the fuel cell system in a future Open Source GPL-3 public technology giveaway.

          We are COMPLETELY off-grid needing NO HELP or INPUT from any agency.


  6. Plest Silver badge

    So the geek equivalent of a a "willy waving competition"!

    Don't get me wrong, I love a bit of nerdery, just saying it like I see it!

    1. adam 40
      Paris Hilton

      Re: So the geek equivalent of a a "μ willy waving competition"!

      Just had to correct the scale....

  7. Lars


    For those interested in the LUMI-supercomputer and the background to it there is:

  8. ICam

    And the UK?

    Apparently only in places 25 and 75 within the top 100.

    ARCHER2 at EPSRC/University of Edinburgh in 25th place is looking a bit slow now...

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