back to article Iran, China-linked gangs join Putin's disinformation war online

Pro-Beijing and Iran miscreants are using the war in Ukraine to spread disinformation that supports these countries' political interests — namely, advancing anti-Western narratives – according to threat-intel experts at Mandiant. Additionally, Iranian cyber-campaigns are using Russia's invasion of its neighbor to take aim at …

  1. VoiceOfTruth

    Who is Mandiant?

    And why are we supposed to trust them?

    Has Mandiant ever uncovered any misdeeds by the USA? No? Pot and kettle. All we ever hear from all these American sock puppet companies is about other countries doing bad things, while IGNORING EVERYTHING the USA does.

    1. lglethal Silver badge

      Re: Who is Mandiant?

      Anyone using a handle as pompous as "Voice of truth" is clearly someone who's opinions you can safely ignore...

      1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

        Re: Who is Mandiant?

        Anyone using a handle as pompous as "Voice of truth" is clearly someone who's opinions you can safely ignore... ..... Iglethal

        :-) Using that fuzzy logic, Iglethal, has a Prime Minister always struggling to be taken seriously as a font of wisdom worthy of following to lead whenever a current party’s decade long direction is leading into certain inevitable hyperinflation, recession, depression and stagflation ....... Troubles and CHAOS, Madness and Mayhem.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Who is Mandiant?

      Careful, you’ll get shadow banned

      Social media is a joke

      Say anything you like, as long as TPTB agree

      Post truth is where we’re at, and it’s been a while

    3. Potemkine! Silver badge

      Re: Who is Mandiant?

      Hello Comrade! How's life in the Troll factory? Quite busy these days, isn't it?

      1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

        Re: Who is Mandiant? @Potemkine!

        Pot kettle black, Potemkine! ? :-)

        Such activity is one of those few many novel growth industries out there, although I do hesitate to mention it as a real world phenomenon ....... even should it be able to decimate those spaces.

        Take care out there, IT takes zero hero prisoners. I Kid U Not. But you surely must already know that if an El Reger Regular ‽ .

  2. martinusher Silver badge

    What is disinformation?

    Since both Iran and China are currently also targets of the Wrath of Satan (sorry, the USA) you can't expect either the countries or their citizens to line up behind US policy, especially over Ukraine. They're not the only global skeptics but since they're a couple of the Usual Suspects (aka The Axis of Evil) they're obviously going to be the target of whoever writes our disinformation (sorry, "Accurate and Truthful Press Releases").

    I think the only US public figure that's spoken the truth recently was our former President, George W. Bush.

    1. Snake Silver badge

      Re: What is disinformation?

      "I think the only US public figure that's spoken the truth recently was our former President, George W. Bush."

      Not paying attention, are we? He just spoke earlier today, with a modest faux pas whilst speaking that the media is grabbing on to and (trying) to blow up. He's a private citizen for pete's sake, his faux pas' are no longer relevant on the world stage, get over it (and no, I never EVER supported him, but let's get adult for a bit shall we?)

    2. VoiceOfTruth

      Re: What is disinformation?

      -> you can't expect either the countries or their citizens to line up behind US policy, especially over Ukraine

      This. Here's a load of sanctions and trade embargoes against your countries. Why aren't you supporting us against Russia?

      China is wise. It has woken up to the fact that the Americans want to destroy it.

  3. NoneSuch Silver badge

    Nation sponsored hack attempts across international borders should be taken the same way as a mortar barrage coming from one country into another. It's an attack, pure and simple and should be treated as such. Power grids, hospital dosage units, traffic lights, railroad crossings, et al., all can kill if programming is changed maliciously.

    Sanction these moronic script kiddies and their host governments into oblivion with one voice, with one word... No!

    1. VoiceOfTruth

      Very well, let's start with the USA. Merkel's phone, remember that? That was just ONE instance of American spying.

      Then there was the hack against Gemalto. Ring a bell? Let me remind you:

      So start with the USA, then its number one foot stool the UK. If you cut those two off, hack attempts throughout the world would likely decrease by 90%.

  4. Sub 20 Pilot

    This site is starting to resemble the old communist press of decades ago. Anyone who dares criticise the US and ther policies will immediately get downvoted. It is a shame that a website which started in the UK has turned into such an US centric fanclub.

    Time to look for another source of information I think.

  5. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

    Now a Time to Go ... whenever Spaces are Turning Hot and Toxic or NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive ‽

    This site is starting to resemble the old communist press of decades ago. Anyone who dares criticise the US and ther policies will immediately get downvoted. It is a shame that a website which started in the UK has turned into such an US centric fanclub.

    Time to look for another source of information I think. .... Sub 20 Pilot

    You’ll be hard pressed to find any other greater source freely sharing ground breaking blockbuster information to think on, Sub 20 Pilot, and some of it extremely creatively disruptive and downright revolutionary too I might add and venture to be almightily true.

    Don’t be so precious and overly concerned about robotic downvotes though, for If they are not accompanied by a reasonable explanation replying to a post, they are practically useless and worthless as an aid, although having said that, it is possible and therefore quite probable a case of what has been downvoted is of real concern to parties with more than their shirts to lose should interest grow and momentum on the subject/object in question gain traction and that is certainly a valuable aid to targeted posters and El Reg pioneers alike.

    I disagree to the nth degree that this site is starting to resemble the old communist press of decades ago and consider it fake news/misinformation/disinformation and thus be its posting/hosting thoroughly deserving of a downvote. As for the statement ...anyone who dares criticise the US and ther policies will immediately get downvoted. ..... the jury here is out and undecided on that vote due to the lack of any overwhelmingly compelling evidence.

  6. Draco
    Big Brother

    Thank heavens

    We're not seeing Pro-Washington and United Kingdom miscreants using the war in Ukraine to spread disinformation that supports these countries' political interests — namely, advancing pro-Western narratives.

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